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hi guys! this is the first time i've written a story like this and in this genre. i really hope you guys like it and i myself am looking forward to how it turns out. if you guys like it please let me know and give me support and advice. also, I would like to thank my friend, Morgan, for encouraging me to write and proof-reading for me! thank you all so much, hope you like it!!


kendra :)


It was oddly quiet in the shop that day; the flicking of records, the groans of the worn wood floor, and the occasional hums from people listening to their music. Yet the difference was dramatic outside. People were bustling about shopping for late Christmas gifts, loud choruses of people could be heard singing carols in off tune voices, and there were muffled crunches as people's shoes made contact with the fresh snow.

I couldn't help but notice that the people walked with practically no direction. Bumping about here and there and wandering to and from various stores.

I never did understand people. How they could take a simple season and morph it into a world of color and joy. How they could know one another so well that gift giving was hardly a worry. These ideas never connected in my mind.

I had always felt so isolated, without direction or guide. And I don't believe the people around me helped this idea. They seemed unaware and hardly interested in the world around them. No one else seemed to have direction, so was I not supposed to either?

But it was there in that tiny records shop, on the 23rd of December, that I first met you: the guy whom would later change my whole perspective. The guy whom would later give me another thought as to how life was and to how it should be.

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