Chapter One

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I have the thought of you walking through the door burnt into my mind. Wearing a black leather jacket and a smokey beanie; your eyes were alight.

You scanned rows upon rows of albums before stopping at one in particular. I watched a smile grow upon your face as you picked it up and gazed upon it's shiny cover. The look upon your face rang into me with familiarity, I experienced it whenever I found something I had been searching near decades to find.

After taking the time needed for the appreciation of the vinyl, you strode up to the counter, hardly taking your eyes off it.

Setting it down I now saw what it was: Pink Floyd: The Wall.

I smiled rather awkwardly, "You have good taste in music."

Your hazel eyes looked up to meet mine, "I take it you also have a love for Floyd?" You returned my awkward smile.

Your smile made my insides ignite into a fire that I had yet to experience.

"Obsession might be a better word for it" I replied, feeling a small dose of pink caress my cheeks. Was it from embarrassment or from confusion that someone like you was talking to me?

Your smile grew once I had said this. "Well then it's good to see I'm not alone." You let out a soft chuckle, "What's your favorite album?"

"'s this one right here," I said glancing down at the record you had set down only moments ago, "It's relatable and poetic, and has a beautiful mix of ideas...I love it for too many reasons." My words tumbled about as I said this.

I never did figure out why I had said all that; I had just met you. But maybe I was supposed to be saying these things, for some reason I'm not supposed to know about. For some stupid, supposed reason, such as fate or destiny. I didn't believe in those things, but you had me thinking otherwise.

The look you then gave me was one I never thought I'd see. I watched as your hazel eyes played into mine something mysterious. And I couldn't help but feel unknowably comfortable around you.

"Well," you started, your cheeks turning a soft pink as well, "why don't you let me buy you some tea and you can tell me all of those reasons."

I felt that gentle pink on my cheeks begin to turn red and burn. "That sounds nice," I replied, my voice surprisingly steady.

"Alright, how about an hour from now, at the coffee and tea place around the corner from here?"

"Okay," I said, looking back into your eyes, which had never left mine.

I rang up your record for you and there was an exchange of cash and vinyl. Then once everything was set, you glanced back at me, as if looking for reassurance.

"I'll be there," I said, my voice unwavering and rather cheery.

You gave a small grin, "I'm looking forward to it." These were the words you practically whispered. The words that would forever stand out to me the most. The words that had me thinking another thought.


author's note:

hey guys, so I know this chapter is really short but that's because i wanted it to end in a cliff-hanger so i could have a larger build up for the next chapter. which, btw, will be longer (and in my opinion) filled with more chemistry between the two characters. i'm really looking forward to it and i just want to say thanks to everyone who has taken the time to sit and read my story so far!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2016 ⏰

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