Chapter 4

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Here I was sitting in the doctors office listening to my doctor talk about nothing with my mother. Every time I come here it's the same old thing. The doctor always say "we need to get your blood drawn, and run more tests on you." I heard that too any damn times. In my eyes it's pointless to keep coming here if I'm not getting any real help. I'm sure surgery can be done but they bullshitting. My mother honestly feels the same way I do.

After about five more minutes, the doctor was done talking and let us leave. We get in the car and ride back home in silence letting the music play. Then my mom turns the music down and starts to ask me questions about King.

Mom: "so how is King doing?"

Me: "he doing alright, getting ready to register for his college classes." (Which was true)

Mom: "when is he going to come see you, yall been dating for two years so far and he hasn't came yet, it's now or never"

Me: "he's suppose to come around prom time to take me, and come back for my graduation."

Mom: " oh really, you know everybody would love to see him."

Me: "yea if he even come" (shaking my head and looks out the window)

My mom phone started ringing and she answers. I just keep looking out the window. King kept promising me that he would come but his ass ain't came yet. I ain't trying to be impatient but still. If he couldn't make it to my prom or graduation then I would definitely reconsider some things because I wasn't about to date someone long distance for like five years and never see em in person. I couldn't see myself doing that.

We finally make it home and I go straight to my room. I laid on the bed and started watching 21 Jump Street on tv. My phone starts ringing and I already know it's King because of the ringtone. I answer with an attitude

Me: "Umhm hello?"

Him: "wassup baby, what you doing?"

Me: "just got home from the doctor"

Him: "what they say?"

Me: "nothing special the usual, anyway I got a question for you"

Him: "what is it?"

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