Chapter 13

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*don't be mad yall but the end is near!*

Amira POV

It's been about 2 months since my grandma died and I've been back in Delaware. Camren stopped blowing my phone up so I guess he got the hint that I didn't wanna be with him. King got a job and was doing good. Meanwhile I was over here trying to get my life together. I been going to the doctor more often for tests and figuring out when to get surgery. Altogether I just been so depressed but nobody could really tell. I knew how to put a smile on my face and act like everything is all good. I wanted to be happy.

King POV

I constantly make sure I check up on Mira. I planned making a surprise visit up there this weekend. I brought her a promise ring that I wanted to put on her finger in person. I been trying to stay out of trouble and enroll back into college. I've also found out that I've been diagnosed with brain cancer. I don't know how Imma tell Amira, that would break her heart even more. I'd tell her when the time was right. I pray that this chemotherapy work and I'll end up cancer free one day.

(Friday) Amira POV

My mom and stepdad went out so I was home alone for the night. I had been watching tv and eating strawberry cheesecake ice cream for awhile. I finally made myself get up to lock all the doors and head to my bedroom. I was tired as fuck, so all I wanted to do was go straight to sleep. I enter my bedroom and flicked my light on. My heart started to beat so fast I thought it would fly out of my chest. My eyes must of been playing tricks on me. Camren couldn't be laying on my bed right now like this is his fucking room. This couldn't be happening. I thought I was done with all of this drama.

"I see we meet again Amira. I know you ain't think I was done with you."

"Damnnnnn nigga you don't get tired? I know I'm tired of going through this with you. It's been months since we've talked. I thought by now you would of gotten the hint that I don't fuck with ya ass. You really look like a damn idiot and how the hell did you know where I live?" I was so sick of Camren. Shit I wish I was ugly, I'm sure he wouldn't of fell so hard for me then.

"All you had to do was give me a chance. King doesn't deserve you and before this night is over, I'll have ya heart Amira like I was suppose to the day I met you."

"It's so many other females out here in the world that you could probably have, yet you're here. Plus if you know about my condition why would you want to hurt me anyway? Go back where you came from and we can forget all about this. I won't even tell King."

"I know because you won't be able to. King does not want you so I will have you what part don't you understand? Anything or anybody I want I get. I suggest you take the easy route but if I have to get violent then so be it, none of this shit is new to me. See I took his first love away from him, she took the hard route and ended up dead. Her and the baby she was carrying in her stomach. Till this day he doesn't know I did it, he killed the wrong nigga in the process of trying to get revenge. So with that being said what you tryna do?"

Camren was such a cold hearted killer. I ain't think he would hurt me but changed as soon as he hit me that night in the car. I stood there contemplating for a good minute as tears ran down my eyes. My mind said just give in and take the easy route but my heart said don't go out without a fight. Being with Camren would mean that I would get abused, and my body couldn't take that. My heart belonged to King and it would stay that way. If I died it tonight it would be because it was my time to go and God wanted me in heaven with him.

"I'm not gonna be with you and that's final."

Before I knew it, he grabbed my arm and slung me onto the bed and started to choke me. I was struggling to breathe but I managed to grab my glass cup off the dresser and hit him across the head with it. The glass shattered and he fell back holding his head. I tried to get up off the bed and make it out the room but I wasn't quick enough. He stuck his foot out, I tripped over it and fell to the floor. I couldn't even get up and I knew I was fucked. He wiped his forehead and got up off the floor. He walked over to me, smacked me across my face then held me down, pulled out a needle from his jacket and stuck the needle in my arm. I had no idea what kind of drug or medicine was in it but I after a couple minutes I could barely feel my body and I was dizzy as hell.

He picked me up and threw me back onto the bed. I felt my pants and panties being slid off of me and I knew exactly what he was about to do. "Cam please don't rape me, I'm begging you" I said. I was still dizzy but I could kinda see him smirking. "Awee come on Mira I know ya shit probably good, I need to try it out like you let King." He stopped smirking and a frown appeared on his face as he yelled "I should of been first anyway!" He dropped his pants and flipped me onto my stomach. Within seconds he had my arms crossed behind my back as he entered inside me. At first he was going slow and gentle, but all of sudden he started being hella rough and faster. That shit didn't feel good at all. I tried to scream but nothing would come out so I just laid there until he was finished which I prayed was soon as possible.

After 20 minutes Camren was finished raping me. He left go of my arms, turned me on my back again and headed to the bathroom to get his self together. He didn't even try to put my pants and panties back on. I tried so hard to make my body get up but I was too weak to anything. More tears fell down my face because I had a strong feeling that I was gonna die tonight. I always hoped that my death wouldn't be like this but here I was. Cam walked back in the room with a gun his hand. He stood in front of me and aimed straight at the middle of my forehead. At that moment so many thoughts and questions ran through my mind like Why hasn't my mom and stepdad came back yet? Why wasn't King here to help me? Why did I have to go out like this? Would God forgive me for all my sins and let me inside the gates of heaven?

I heard him say "All you had to do was give me a chance." He then pulled the trigger and as I felt the bullet enter my head, I felt my spirit leaving my body and everything went black.

(In Heaven)

I was now in the sky and in heaven with God. I looked down and seen my lifeless body still laying on the bed. I didn't wanna leave King in that cold world alone but I guess it was my time to go. I knew God would send him another woman that would take good care of him. I also knew my family would take this so hard. I didn't want to see my mother or anyone else cry. If I could, I would wrap my arms around her and give her one last hug. God would handle all of that though. I watched as Camren put the gun up and pull out a knife. He ripped open my shirt and started to cut open my chest where my heart was located. He literally took my heart and was gone out the house.

I was done.

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