Mysterious Man

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Brenna had the best fucking epiphany last night.
This is the result.


    A large, human size, glass capsule stood in front of you. It rested on a small platform. As you gazed astonishingly at the chamber, Data walked right past you, and over to a large panel. He began tapping a few buttons before sighing. “Please step on the platform, ma’am.” The small boy said unamused, as if he had done this thousands of times before. He didn’t even bother to look up from the panel as he spoke. You stared at the platform and hesitantly stepped onto it. Data began typing some sort of code expeditiously onto the touchscreen, and just as he tapped a final button, the door to the capsule slide open. “Step in, please.” He ordered, his finger hovering over a large red button. You complied, secretly wanting to press the red button a million times. As soon as you stepped within the chamber, the door slammed shut, encasing you inside its glass walls. You watched as the young boy did a quick hair flip before pressing the button, his face seizing to show any emotion whatsoever. A small beep rung through the chamber, making you cover your ears and scrunch up your face in annoyance. However, that became the least of your problems as a small black dot appeared within your vision. Another popped up, followed by two more, and then four. The spots were popping up exponentially, clotting your vision.

        “What’s happening!” You hollered, pressing your palms forcefully against the glass. This was scary, losing your vision. A peculiar feeling bubbled up in your stomach and you began breathing rapidly. Your lungs screamed out in agony as you struggled to intake oxygen. As if hyperventilating wasn’t enough, a shock surged through your brain, causing a large amount of information to surge through. An intense throbbing pain grew as you struggled to process the overflow. Listening to music, watching tv, talking on the phone, and having a conversation face-to-face with two other people at the same time was nothing compared to this. It was like having ten other people screaming different things at you all at once, expecting you to understand everything they say.

        “Data…” You rasped out, “I-I… Don-t want t-o…” Your voice began to fade out. You couldn’t think to form words anymore, and you felt your legs grow weak. One of your hands slipped from the glass barrier, and you felt yourself falling. As your body slammed against the cold metal beneath you, all feeling drained from your nerves, but only to be replaced by something else. A fuzzy array of colors began spinning around, and you thought you had gone insane. However, they began rearranging into something. A picture maybe? Then it hit you, like giant wave in the ocean:

        You were just beginning to descend down a small staircase, an uneasy feeling in your gut, when something other than a creak sounded out.

        “(Y/N)~” A creepy, hair-raisingly familiar voice cooed.  Your heart stopped as quickly as your body froze over in fear. You were only four steps down, so you really couldn’t see anything other than the very bottom of the staircase. An image of a boy flashed through your mind. He had a green hooded sweatshirt, and messy, yet attractive brown hair. His face was covered with an emotionless mask; Two big black eyes and a perfectly straight line for a mouth. For some reason, your heart pounded at the thought of him.

        Suddenly the masculine voice called you out once more, making you cringe. “I know where you are (Y/N). Do I have to come get you?” He stated, his voice completely and utterly insane to the point it chilled you to the core. Something within you told you this was wrong, and that you should turn back, but you ignored it. Using all your strength, you forced your legs to move down each creaking step. Your eyes fell upon the source of the voice and your body became paralyzed. There, waiting for you at the bottom of the stairs, stood the man you had just pictured. However, seeing him like this didn’t speed up your heart, but rather did the exact opposite. Both his clothes and his mask were drenched in blood, which didn’t surprise you much. What shocked you was he had a bloodied, gut covered knife that you didn’t seem to recognize. You felt as if something about him was missing. That’s when you spotted the shotgun strapped to his belt, also covered in blood. You looked back up, and the sight before you made your blood run cold; His lips were curled into a sinister smile. It was something you’d only think of in a nightmare.

        “What’s wrong, (Y/N)?” He cackled psychotically, “Cat got your tongue?” He took slow steps towards you, each step making you anxious enough to jump. When he finally reached you he leaned in towards you, his lips inches away from your ear. “(Y/N)...” He whispered seductively in your ear, “I have something to show you.”

        You didn’t move until he took hold of your hand and started pulling you away from the staircase, passed a dozen stomach wrenching corpses to a room where the broken front door laid on the tainted carpet. His hand was cold to the touch, so you yanked yours away. His head snapped back, a disturbing grin plastered on his dirty face. “Now why would you do that Friend? He said, innocently.

        Your lips began to move on their own. “Because I don’t trust you when you’re like this.” You growled, “I’m going back to the roof with the others. You can just… stay here.” Your feet began to walk you backwards towards the staircase, and you immediately regretted it. The man grabbed you again, this time by the wrist with a very harsh grip. You felt your body fly as he swung you until your back smacked against the wall, cracking some of the dry wall. He pinned you there by pressing his left arm against both your collarbones , and you yelped as he lifted the knife with his other hand up to your throat. You stared at him in disbelief, struggling to breath, move, or voice anything. The only thing you could do was stare at the insane man and cry. Trying anything would risk getting your throat slit in a heartbeat.

        “Please don’t be afraid.” His sinister grin faltered, lowering into a formation that mimicked that of his mask. Still keeping you pinned with his arm, he removed the knife from your throat. After hearing your sigh of relief, he raised the weapon once more, only this time by your face. You whimpered as he caressed your cheek with the flat edge of the blade, as if to comfort you. “Shh. It’s okay.” He soothed, his voice sounding slightly demonic.

        Once again, your voice spoke for itself. “C-Cry? P-please stop this… you scaring me!” You begged in a shaky tone.

        The man dropped the knife and looked down at his now shaking hands in realization. With his mouth agape, he slowly backed away until his back hit another wall.

    You felt a cold surface beneath you as you slowly regained consciousness.

        “What happened!?” An electronic voice hissed.

        “I did everything correctly… I don’t know how this happened.” A less obnoxious and more childlike voice replied. Your eyes fluttered open, and you saw that you were still within the chamber. Through the glass you saw Virus and Data fighting.

        “Clearly you didn’t because this happened.” Virus spat, motioning his hand towards the chamber. His eyes locked with yours and his mask’s eyes grew larger. “She’s awake!” Virus shouted, watching you place your palms flat against the metal surface to push yourself up. Data turned his attention to you and quickly went over to the panel. He tapped a few things on the screen and the door slide open. As soon as you raised your head, a heavy feeling weighed down your head, as if someone had filled it with bags of sand. Your legs wobbled as you stood, and if Virus hadn’t rushed over to catch you, you may have hit your head on the floor again.

        “Are you okay?” He asked, his voice full of concern.

        You scrunched up your eyebrows, trying to remember how to form words. An image of the boy in your vision suddenly popped up in your head. You looked at the male, ignoring the stinging feeling you got from his touch, and cocked your head. “Who’s Cry?”

A/N: I’m so excited. Like seriously. This was so fun.
I haven’t felt this way after writing in a long time. 
Anyway, thank you all so much for reading.
Have a wonderful day/night!

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