Untitled Part 8

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(2 weeks prior)

Dean called Castiel when he left work, flipping up his cell phone and clicking the four letters that meant the world to him, "Home."

Two rings and Castiel picked up, "Hello?"

"Hey Cas, it's Dean." Pause, "I'm going out to a happy hour with the guys from work, so I won't be home 'till late."

"Okay, when's 'late'?"

"I dunno, 8ish?"


"Alright, see you then."

"Love you, b-"

His words got cut off by Dean hanging up. Dean didn't like hearing it, because it meant he had to say it back. And he didn't like saying these things in public, that whole showing-your-feelings thing. So he hung up and hopped in his truck, following one of the guys from the construction site to Murphy's pub down the road from where they were building a new housing development.

Dean bought the first round, Tom picking up the second and just as the waitress came around to give them their fresh beers, Anthony brought up the topic of spouses. Anthony was the site supervisor, and while he was middle management he was a fellow with a good attitude and a love for the Red Socks baseball team.

"So Dean, how 'bout you? Got an old lady?"

Dean laughed and looked down at his beer, hand curling around the cold, perspiration-covered glass. "Nope, I uh-"

"No wait let me guess, you're a live fast and die pretty type of guy huh?" chimed in Tom. Dean smiled a bit more.

"Nah, I used to be but uh,"

"You got hitched," Clemens chimed in. Clemens had a large stomach that he roped off with a belt so it flowed over his pants and had been married and divorced twice. His nose seemed permanently red from his preferred drink of scotch.

Dean took a quick sip of his beer before looked up at the 3 guys sitting at his table, "His names Castiel."

Without missing a beat, Anthony spoke up, "Let me ask you this"

Dean was waiting for it. For one of the many questions, "But how can you be with a guy?" or "Don't you think its an abomination?" or "Have you ever even been with a woman?" or some other question similar to those. Instead he got,

"Is he any good at pub quizzes?"

"Pub what?"

"Pub quizzes. 'Cause Pam and I got one coming up on Monday, and the couple we normally go with is out of town and we need two people to fill in."

"Oh, well," he thought about it for only a second, "yeah I guess he could be good at a pub quiz," Dean wasn't sure what the hell that was, but Castiel sure knew a whole hell of a lot about everything.

"Great! You in then?"

"Yeah, I don't think we've got anything going on Thursday night."

The topic then changed to Tom's wife who he always claimed was only pretty when her mouth was shut, which wasn't very often. Just after 8pm Dean said he had to leave, he'd told Castiel he would be home and his coworkers agreed that they should head home too.

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