Untitled Part 9

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The seemingly happy couple had a secret. It was near and dear to them both, and the reason they both belonged together. None of the neighbors knew it, but they did. It was inside the walls. When they moved in, Dean and Castiel nearly ripped down every single wall to get inside them. And once the walls were ripped down, they began with the paint. They painted every symbol imaginable, every symbol they had ever seen was painted on the walls to guard against everything and everything. Nothing would penetrate their home they decided, angel, demon, or otherwise. After that, Dean put up most of the rest of the walls since Castiel did not have experience with this, but after a few quick lessons, Castiel helped with the painting of their home. And after only two weeks or so of construction, their home was fortified. Nothing would penetrate those walls, and that was just how Dean and Castiel wanted it.

In their wonderfully fortified home they had all the amenities they could need. There was only one car in the garage, the beautiful '67 Impala that Castiel had learned to drive, though Dean did most the driving when they went out.

Their house looked like any other, with photos in frames on the walls. They picture by the Grand Canyon, in New York City, even one of New Years Eve that Sam snapped of them exactly at midnight. They also had pictures of Sammy and his wife who lived only thirty minutes away. They had a personalized dvd collection stacked neatly on the second to bottom row of the bookshelf, and a small collection of porcelain angel statues. They also had a miniature of Dean's Impala that Castiel had given to him last Christmas, and a few books on gardening that Castiel flipped through every once in a while. They had a cleaning service come through once a month though they were, in general, a fairly tidy couple. Castiel was a tutor for religious studies, of course, but that was only twice a week while Dean worked in construction Monday through Friday.

Their house had lots of windows to allow in sunshine and wood floors except for the bedrooms. Dean planned on putting a fogged-glass shower door because he hated the curtain, and Castiel agreed. Their house was a home to them, it was the place they felt most safe and secure. And despite all the precautions, all the love they shared and all the normality they tried to portray, underneath the floorboards of the coat closet was a treasure trove of hunting materials that Dean and Castiel dared not part with; not yet anyways.

Another lazy weekend rolled by and Dean was on the couch with Castiel. It was a grey couch with blue and white striped pillows and a beige throw that was draped over the back.

"Come on Cas, honestly, you just have to smile."

"I am smiling Dean, I've told you that."

Dean was trying to get a picture of the two of them since they hadn't had a good picture together for quite a few months now. And Dean liked having new photos of them, compiling them all in to what would end up most likely being half a dozen or more scrap books. Dean was in charge of taking the photos, developing and choosing them, while Castiel did the decorating of each page. But Castiel always had a hokey smile, or his eyes were closed, or something. Anything. There was always a problem.

"Jeezus Cas, it's not that hard."

"Say you, you've had years of practice." Dean held the camera out in front of them, tilting his head towards Castiel's and snapping another awful picture.

"C'mon man, you gotta do better than that." He turned to face Castiel who turned to look at him also.

"Dean, I'm trying my b-" he was interrupted by Dean's soft lips on his own. He kissed back with tenderness, turning his body ever so slightly towards Dean. It was warm and familiar, and he smiled as Dean broke the kiss, eyes lingering on his lovers face. Dean didn't miss a beat and turned his head only slightly to look at the camera and snapped a quick picture; this one was much better than the rest.

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