
717 69 60

11:42 PM, London.

Zayn's POV:

Gigi kissed down my throat and neck, sucking softly at the flesh and leaving lipstick stains all over my skin.

She made loud kissing noise. Trying her hardest to turn me on; she took her bra off leaving her with her panties.

She was now half naked, and so was I.

I was trying my best to get hard, imagining different things. But something was off, she's a hot girl sure, but there's something missing. I couldn't point a finger at it.

Have you ever tried so hard to be good at something, like you literally left no stone unturned, and then you simply gave up? 'Cause you got the realization that it's not your thing?

It's like trying to be good at maths, so diligently that you feel your brain gonna explode, and you just keep pushing yourself and thinking, you're the one who should try harder, the one who's wrong.

And there came the dark night of the soul.

But then you relinquish; you simply quit, because you finally realize that maths is not your jam. You can't be good at it. And it should be totally fine.

Some rock maths, some don't. That's elementary really. 

But it's not fine.

And because of that, you decided to give up; a long time ago actually, but you hadn't showed it yet.

Hm.. yeah I was feeling kinda like that.

I looked at her skinny body, observing every muscle of her back. I tried to see the girl I'd loved two years ago, but something inside prevented me from doing so.

Niall's words from earlier were still playing in my mind, echoing like a sad song interpreting exactly what you feel, but somehow makes you cry harder.

My eyes fluttered and my thoughts were cut when I felt her soft lips around me. I felt myself getting hard, here we go, I put a hand on her head, giving her more of what she wanted; or thought I did, she almost gagged. But she didn't pull back. It didn't take long for me to come inside her mouth.

But that was it. I felt nothing. I almost thought I didn't want my dick inside her mouth. It meant nothing, it was just.... sex.


"Tonight was great. Thanks babe." Gigi whispered to me, putting her hands around my waist as I walked her to the door. I was content that she didn't want to stay the night here. I really didn't want to be forced to watch some fashion show that I wasn't interested in.

I nodded my head, smiling softly.

She pouted her pink lips at me. "Don't I get a kiss?"

I mentally rolled my eyes, but I leaned over to place a rushed kiss on the corner of her mouth.

Her phone rang, and she almost immediately answered it "Hey, didn't think you'd call..." she continued talking on the phone while she walked down the stairs to leave, not bothering to turn around to wave. Why was I even expecting her to? 

I closed the door slowly. Walked to my music player and popped in my favourite, Vivaldi : La Follia.

I walked to my wooden easel. And stood there for a minute.

Then, unintentionally I found myself picking three grey shades, and a green one. I picked a brush, and with grey I started.

I remember when I was younger, when I picked up a pencil for the first time and drew the first line, I knew that when it comes to being an artist, I should follow my intuition; and trust it.

And just for the record, I had always considered myself an expressionist.

Right now, I had a million thing on my mind, but that's when I like to paint most. Because then I feel my deepest emotions emerging to the surface.

I sometimes got turned on or even got a hard on. It's that intense.

It's actually so close to giving birth, the closer you get to finish the painting, the closer you get to deliver your beautiful baby.

Other times I paint like a frustrated drummer. Full of aggression and anger.

My hands were moving but I barely felt them. Spasmodically, I feel myself so occupied with my thoughts that I become surprised with my own work when I pause and look.

With a cigarette resting between my lips, I ran a hand full of paint through my hair absently. And observed what I'd done so far.

I looked and bit my bottom lip.

It was a shadow of a man, his face wasn't shown, I almost was shocked. What the hell did I just paint? But I was satisfied. I liked it.

I inhaled another drag of smoke, and exhaled slowly. And then I continued my night smoking and staring at my new panting,

The Silhouette. 

A/N: Zayn's new painting above

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A/N: Zayn's new painting above. Of course all credits of the painting goes to an artist called Vyse. And the painting called "Man Shadow." *winks winks*

A pic of Zayn and Vivaldi the Follia above. Listen to it. You won't regret it.

So what do you think guys?

Harry POV's next :)

Lots of love. Xx

The Silhouette (Zarry) [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now