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10:27 AM, London:

Harry's POV:

I stared at the snow in astonishment. "I can't believe this, isn't early for snowing?"

"No, we're in the last days of October," Louis, who was sitting beside me in the car, replied.

"I still think it's unseasonable." I said, my eyes looking at the trees and pavements on both sides of the road, covered in pure sparkly whiteness. I used to like snow when I was younger; I liked that we got to stay home from school. Snow means it's time for chocolate cocoa, a thick blanket and a good movie.

But now, hum.. not too much.  

"Well, you don't know shit about London's weather." Louis uttered to me. I opened my mouth to object but couldn't; he was right. But then again...

"And you do?" I finally thought of a comeback. I bet it was already late 'cause he just smirked.

"Okay, so how much time 'till we get to the gallery? Which BTW I flied 9 hours and twenty minutes for." I wondered, to cover my embarrassment, while of course with pointing out how irritated I was with the long flight.

"Wow, you counted them?" He smirked sidely at me.

"No, I googled it. It felt like fifty hours to me." I put my hand on my right pocket, trying to find a gum or something, I didn't so I started looking on my left one.

"We're here." Louis said at the same time I let out "HA!" Since I found a pinkish gum, it looked kinda old, but whatever.

Louis stared at me silently for a second, and I smiled innocently, throwing the gum in my mouth. I probably have a Peter Pan syndrome who knows.

He got out of the car, and I followed ensuite. Moving my hands up and down my black jeans. I should've wear a complete suite, but since Louis told me the theme was black, I wore them under a formal jacket. And believe it or not, they're more comfortable.

"It's on the second floor." Louis announced and went for the stairs.

"Can we take the elevator?" I whined.

"It's just the second floor, Harry." He shook his head in disapproval or amusement, I couldn't tell.   

"Still." I sighed.

"C'mon Harry. Move your butt." Louis walked in front of me and I followed, which was a great choice, I stared all the way up at his big ass with those tight creamy pants. Damn.

We finished the awful stairs, and we found ourselves in front of a big glassy salon, probably it domained the whole floor.

We got in, a man greeted us. Saying some words in Italian. Okay what was the point now? Did they expect me to understand Italian. Well, maybe if it was French, okay I don't get that either.

I took a panoramic look at the exhibit, blue walls filled with different paintings.

"So," Louis whispered to me, "This is Zayn Malik," he pointed to a medium-sized man, "The artist who opened this gallery. I have to go pee, so go say hello, and thank him for the invita.."

Before Louis could continue, We heard a "Harry!" And I was pulled into a chest. A female chest to be exact.

The person let go of me finally, and I got to see who she is, "Oh Hi Gigi." I smiled, trying to act like I was sooo happy to see her.

She didn't bother to look at Louis, so he left, to the loo I suppose as he told me earlier.

"I'm thrilled you came. This is my boyfriend's exhibit. Hey listen, have you talked to Kendall lately, I know you both are good friends." She asked but before I could answer she continued, "Look, she's been calling me for days now, and I don't wanna pick up. She's losing her publicity and I don't want people to start hating me too, so please tell her to stop calling me... Oh Cheryl!" she shouted and waved. "Excuse me." She let out fastly and left me.

I rolled my eyes at her behaviour.  

I'd decided to go introduce myself to our host tonight, before goofing around, trying to find something fun instead of listening to some slow music that got me to sleep, or pretending that I understood art, or standing pointlessly in front of some painting.

The man's back was towards me, he was talking with an old man with a cigar in his mouth, and glasses over his nose, a bit low.

"Mr. Malik.." I said to get his attention. Preparing myself to give a big warm charming smile.

He turned around, and I smiled a big toothy smile as I was intending to.

I saw a face with big brown eyes and small beard, his hair was perfectly slicked back with one strand falling loosely to his forehead. The bitter smell of cigarets was radiating from him along with his cologne smell, the combination was heavenly. It actually reminded me of Louis' smell; but it was completely something else.

Damn Louis, I thought you said it's an art exhibit, but you didn't say the man himself is art.

My gay self was having a party.

His eyes widened for a second, which maybe meant he recognized who I was. Maybe he's a fan. I smirked mentally at the thought. Getting more confident.

"Mr.. I'm sorry what was your name?" He said, his pink lips moving so piano like.

Ouch. Hurts.

"I'm Styles, Harry Styles. Pleasure to meet you," I extended my hand for him to shake. He did, and I felt his soft yet rough hand in my palm, a weird feeling that gave me goosebumps. He had tattoos on both of his hands, and I got a feeling that under those clothes, there's hella more.

And yes, of course I imagined him without clothes, didn't you?

"Pleasure's all mine." He said. His dulcet tones were so fruity, "Allow me to walk you to see my three top paintings, please."

God, love a polite serious-looking man.

"This is my first painting, I..." Aaachoo.

I looked at his side profile, his cute button up nose and long eyelashes hitting his cheeks as he flattered them to let out a cute sneeze. Awe.

Okay, this is gonna be one fun day.


A/N: Hii thanks for reading beautiful people :)

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