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10:23 AM, London.

Harry's POV:

"It's Harry Styles," It seemed like the time; the half an hour I spent practising this line to say to Zayn was useless; because my voice sounded much more shaky that I intended it to be.

"Harry Styles?... Oh yes I remember now, the actor who attended my gallery," he replied like he solved a puzzle.

He remembers me! He remembers me! And God the way he said my name.

Stop Harry!

"Yes! I hope I haven't called in an inappropriate time," I asked eagerly but  politely. Not seriously meaning it though.

"No, not at all, how can I help you Mr. Styles?" He answered with a question, his voice still serious and polite just like last time; so chocolate-like to my ears.

But still, I could feel the slightest of disinterest that showed in his voice. Like his focus was completely else where. Well, it stung a bit.. a lot to be honest.

"Actually yes, hum.. I wanted to ask you something," I started, he hummed for me to continue so I did.

"See, I just got accepted in a new role here in The UK, the biggest role for me up to now," I took a breath, to calm my nerves but he took that as an opportunity to speak.

"And what do I have to do with this?" Oh why does he have to speak like I'm already a burden? I haven't finished yet.

"My character is a painter, and I actually wanted to meet one because I never did before. I don't know how to act like one, and I don't know any painter; except you." I paused so he could say something, when he didn't I continued.

"So if you could meet up with me, a couple of times just so I could get how a painter should be and perform my role better. Because meeting a real artist would help a lot." I finished and waited for his reply.

"So you wanna mimic my personality on camera?" He asked and my heart fell between my feet.

"No! Definitely not. I just wanna understand my chara..." I got cut off by his voice.

"We're just like other people, Mr. Styles." He coldly stated. No you're not Zayn. You're more special than you think.

"Mr. Malik please hear me out I..." but he cut me off again.

"I'm afraid Mr. Styles, I can't be much of a help to you, not that I didn't want to, but it's just not one of my preferences to get mocked on National TV." He replied and I realized why Gigi didn't think much before giving me his number. He's so stubborn.

Without waiting for me to reply, he spoke again, "Have a good day, Mr. Styles." And with that he hang up, while I still had the phone attached to my ear.

That's why you shouldn't get too excited too soon. I thought sadly as I bit my lip.


Next day,

10:01 AM, London.

Zayn's POV:

It's been 24 hours and Niall didn't leave his room. I tried to talk to him but he shut me out, after he said one sentence,

"I wanna die."

What should I do? Should I leave him alone until he wants to talk to me? I worry about him everyday because he's my best friend. And It's not the only time he got heartbroken; he got dumped twice from two of his girlfriends, got fired more than ten times; six times alone in the mere of two months.

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