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Rachel POV

It's morning, and it's summer vacation. I open my eyes and shut them again, the sun is streaming through the window. I finally get up, shower, and go to the kitchen for breakfast.

I see Cindy is already up

"Good morning Cindy!"I say brightly,hopefully yesterday didn't give her my full Impression.

"Morning! Do you want to make breakfast with me?" She asks,

"Sure! What are we having?" I ask going to the counter.

"I dunno! How about........ Toast?" She suggests

We make some toast and sit down.

"So Rachel tell me about yourself"Cindy Says,

"I come from Lima, Ohio but I was born for New York. I love Barbara Streisand, and Patty LuPone. I also love broadway, I graduated from McKinley High. I had a.........I have a boyfriend" I sigh at the end, I stare down at my food.

"Ooh where is he?" Cindy asks

"Canada" I sigh and Cindy instantly looks ashamed.

"I'm so sorry!"she apologizes

"It's okay" I say

"Well.......... Do you want to go and tour around in New York?" She squeaks.

"Now there's an idea. I say shooting up.

I would love to tour!

We enjoy our little tour, And it lasts the whole day. This was a great day to start vacation!

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