Chapter 1|another child

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{Please tell me if there is still their original names typed up rather then Y/n ,Damian ,F/n ,M/n ,G/F/n ,Athanasia ,Talia and Mara.}

Damian is 2 years old 
Y/n is 0 years old (newborn)

I will tell you when you are in human form and animal form
They will look like this:
(Human form)
(Animal form)


(Animal form)

~~~~Rafiki's tree.~~~~~

"Asante sana
Squash banana
We we nugu
Mi mi apana!"
We see he is painting on the trunk of the tree: a new cub, with the ceremonial mark across the forehead, next to the old drawing of F/n.
"{laughs} Ahh, Y/n..."
{Wind blows Rafiki's hair wildly, signifying G/f/n's presence}
"Ooh, G/f/n! Such a day this has been! Princess Y/n's birth... another Circle of Life is complete, and the Pride's future is once again secure." Rafiki said.
Wind blows at the paintings, scattering some of the markings
"Aaah! Stop it, stop it, stop it! G/f/n-- look what you are doing! The Circle is broken now. Why do you--", He pauses, understanding.
"Ooh... there is trouble in the Pride Lands. {he looks toward the edge of the painting, at a rough black lion figure} There is another child? Hmm... where could this be? {realisation comes to him with a puff of wind} in the Outlands..." Rafiki stoops then continues.
The Outlands .The landscape is a barren desert, with strange rock formations everywhere.
"But that is where F/n banished Ras' followers. Including his most loyal... Talia."

~~~~~~~~In the Outlands~~~~~~~~

(animal form)
An insect lands on the ground; immediately, Damian appears, pouncing.
"Rrrah!",Damian opens his paws to reveal the insect, buzzing; he smiles and opens his paws, releasing it to fly away.
Talia, who is supervising. She snatches the insect from the air and smashes it to the ground.
"Don't let it go. What's the matter with you?" Talia says in an angry tone.
"But Mother! He wasn't hurting anyone--" Damian tried you say but it ended with Talia cutting him off.
"There is no room for weakness here, my son. Remember... Ras took you in and accepted you as his own son." Talia said.
Talia has moved close and pulled Damian against her. Damian seems doubtful.
"But he wasn't my father , he was my grandfather" Damian said.
"No... but he chose you to become the next King. When you rule, we shall no longer be forced to live in these dry, barren, disgusting, pathetic, termite-infested Outlands!" Talia says.
Talia is swatting at the ground, railing against fate. Damian looks down, in quiet agreement. Suddenly, Athanasia and Mara come bounding in fighting to be the first back with the news.
"Mother! Mother! Mother!" Athanasia and Mara say at the same time.

[Mara calls Talia mother because Talia took her in after her mother was killed]

Athanasia and Mara are speaking over one another, trying to get the first word in.
"We were there-- in the Pride Lands. We saw the whole thing!" Athanasia says
"At Pride Rock. We saw everything!" Mara screams
"We saw F/n's child/cub!" Athanasia and Mara both say.
"What? Mara -- what did you see?" Talia asks.
"F/n new child is a girl!"
"A girl! {laughs} Ras, my father... did you hear that? This couldn't be more perfect." Talia said.
"Who's she talking to?"
"Ssshhh. Ras." Mara answered her question.
"{gasps} Where? Where?" Athanasia say in a wondering tone.
"Ras' dead... genius." Mara answers
"Yes! Because of F/n... if not for him, Ras would still be King. And I, Talia-- his loving, devoted daughter!" Talia said.
"You know, speaking of kings/queens... I was thinking, since I am the oldest... maybe I should be Queen! Huh?" Athanasia questioned.
"Uh? Don't be a fool, Athanasia ." Talia said in an annoyed tone.
"Heh heh... just a thought." Athanasia said
Athanasia has rolled over subserviently on her back.
"Damian is the chosen one. We must fulfill Ras' dying wish, and train Damian to become King." Talia said
"Oh... yeah.... oh, yeah. I can do that!" Athanasia says
Talia climbs up on a rock point to gaze out over the land. The others follow.
"Look... at the Pride Kingdom, my pets. So green... so inviting. That is our home... that is where we belong. And soon, my beloved father... we shall reclaim your kingdom."

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