Chapter 9|The reunited Pride pt.2

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{Please tell me if there is still their original names typed up rather then Y/n ,Damian ,F/n ,M/n ,G/F/n ,Athanasia ,Talia and Mara.}
I will tell you when you are in human form and when you are in animal form.

(Animal form)
She and her two backup lionesses approach F/n, who is fighting off several enemies at once. The lionesses part, making way for Talia and F/n to fight one-on-one. Just as they are about to land the first blows, Y/n and Damian leap into the scene, and stand between the two enemies.
"Y/n?" F/n said.
"Damian! {he stares at her, his eyes narrowing at her mention of his name} ...Move." Talia said in a a menacing tone.
"Stand aside." F/n tried to reason with Y/n
"Daddy, this has to stop." Y/n replied.
"{to Damian} You're even weaker than I thought. Get out of the way!" Talia shouted.
"You'll never hurt Y/n... or F/n. Not while I'm here." Damian answered.
Talia gasped.
"Stay out of this!" F/n said back towards Y/n.
"A wise King once told me, "We are one." I didn't understand what he meant... now I do." She said recurring the time when she was younger.
"But... they..."
"Them... us. Look at them... they are us. What differences do you see? Aren't we all part of the Circle of Life?"
F/n pauses; the battle has stopped. As F/n and Y/n look at one another, the clouds part and the rain stops. Finally, F/n and his daughter nuzzle.
"Mara... now!"
"No, Mother! Y/n's right. {she walks over to F/n's side, turning around to face Talia} Enough." Mara answers back.
Talia's other lionesses look shocked.
"If you will not fight... then you will die as well." Talia said.
Some of Talia's lionesses begin to move over onto F/n's side. Talia's eyes begin to panic as her whole pride leaves her.
"Wh-wha... Where are you going? Get back here!" Talia said in shock.
"Let it go, Talia. It's time to put the past behind us." F/n said.
"{now alone} I'll never let it go!" Talia shouted.
More logs pile up in the river, forming a dam.
"This is for you, Ras!"

(human form)
Talia leaps at F/n, but Y/n catches her in mid-flight and rolls over with her; the two females tumble down the embankment.
"Y/n!" F/n shouts.
"Y/n!" Damian screams.
F/n jumps down the slope, trying desperately to reach Y/n, but she and Talia have already fallen too far for him to catch up. Y/n manages to catch a hold on the ledge, slowing her descent enough for her to jump onto a small ledge. Talia clings to the rocks some distance below Y/n, hanging by her two hands.
"Hold on, Y/n!" M/n screams towards Y/n.
The dam of logs breaks; the river suddenly begins to swell to many times its normal flow.
"F/n! F/n-- the river!" M/n shouts points towards the dam that is in mid breaking point.
The river is rapidly rushing to fill the canyon. F/n leaps from rock face to rock face, trying to reach Y/n. Below, Talia hangs precariously from the rock face. Y/n is above on the ledge.
"Talia! Give me your hand!"
Talia swipes at Y/n, growling. She slips further down the rock face; she glances at the tumbling water and logs below.
"Ahh... ahhh..."
"Talia, come on... I'll help you..." Y/n says trying to reach down to her.
She slides further down the rock wall, scrabbling for traction on the rock, but is unable to climb up. A change comes over Talia's face; she grins slowly up at Y/n.
"No. ...Never!" Talia screeches.
She lets go, and falls back-first into the churning water below. The water and logs carry her under, and the flow in the canyon gradually subsides.
Damian looks down where his mother fell, closes his eyes, and lets out a sigh.
F/n is waiting on the rocks near Y/n.
"Daddy... I tried..." Y/n try's to say all upset.
"Y/n... oh." M/n sighs in relief.
"Wow... that was really brave!" Pumbaa says to Y/n.
"Yeee-haaa!" Timon screams.
Y/n and Damian approach each other.
"Damian..." Y/n releasing a long breathe of air.
"Oh, Y/n." Damian says back to her.
"Damian... I was wrong. You belong here." F/n says admitting he was wrong.
Y/n leans into Damian.
"Let's go home... all of us." F/n says.

The two prides slowly walk back to Pride kingdom, with "We Are One" playing in the background. Rafiki blesses the union of Y/n and Damian with a gesture of his staff.
"I love moments like this."
"Yeah..." Timon answers back.
"  ...Love. Not like... love!" Timon and Pumbaa says.
Zazu isn't amused. Timon and Pumbaa burst into tears. Zazu shields himself with his wings.

(Animal form)
F/n and M/n lead the procession through the rest of the pride, flanking them with bowed heads; Y/n and Damian follow. Both couples make their way to the tip of the Promontory; first F/n roars, and then Damian does. Finally all four roar together. The rest of the pride roars in answer.
The clouds part, and F/n is illuminated by a sunbeam; we hear the voice of G/f/n from the clouds.
"Well done, my son. {the spirit of G/f/n circles around F/n}"
Rafiki smiles and nods as the prophecy comes to completion.
"We are one." G/f/n sang.
I do have a new story involving Damian Wayne based on the movie The Mummy, hope you can have a look at it and enjoy

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