Prologue| Presentation of Y/n

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{Please tell me if there is still their original names typed up rather then Y/n ,Damian ,F/n ,M/n ,G/F/n ,Athanasia ,Talia and Mara.}

I will tell you when you are in human form and animal form.
They will look like this:
(Human form)
(Animal form)


(This is your castle and town)

(This is the balcony you will be held up on above the big balcony where there are 3 little balconies is your bedroom)

(This is your room as it matches with the picture above.)

(This is your lounge room.)

(This is your bed)

This is your introduction outfit when you are a newborn

People that live there have an ability to shape shift into any animal.

(Animal form)
Sunrise over the Pride Lands. Animals of all types make their way to Pride Rock: Elephants, giraffes, wildebeest, antelope, hippos.

[ He Lives In You. Play the song at the top of page]
Bold & underlined—lyrics

Ingonyama nengw' enamabala
And the spirit of life
Oh, oh, iyo
Oh, oh, iyo

And a voice
With the fear of a child

Oh, oh, iyo
Oh, mamela
Oh, oh, iyo

Rafiki is standing on the tip of the Pride palace promontory, exhorting the animals gathering below him.

Ubukhosi bo khokho
We ndodana ye sizwe sonke

There's no mountain too great
Oh, oh, iyo
Hear the words and have faith
Oh, oh, iyo
Have faith

Hela hey mamela

G/f/n appears in the clouds; Rafiki is blown by the wind, and he gestures to all the gathered animals below, who bow down before the image.

He lives in you
He lives in me
He watches over
Everything we see
Into the water
Into the truth
In your reflection
He lives in you

(Human form)
People look up, and Zazu flies in towards the Pride kingdom palace. F/n and M/n are there; Rafiki takes Y/n from M/n's arms and holds her up before the assembled crowd. The people all cheer, and F/n and M/n are blown by the wind from the approving figure of G/f/n.

[third verse repeats]

[chorus repeats]

Y/n struggles playfully in Rafiki's grip. After much cheering from the crowd, he lowers her to M/n for him to brush Y/n's small, round, plump face. Timon and Pumbaa stand nearby.

"Ah, Pumbaa-- look at that little guy. A chip off the old block! And you gotta know who's gonna raise 'im..." Timon says almost in a knowing tone.

"His parents?" Pumbaa answers him.

"{pause} Okay, sure, get technical. But who's gonna teach him the really important stuff? Like how to belch? {burp} And dig for grubs? {jumps down} I'm telling ya, buddy... it's gonna be like old times. You, me... and the little guy." Timon says.

"{chuckles} It is a girl." Rafiki corrects them.

"...Girl," Timon says, shocked, thinking the baby was a boy.

"Girl?! ...Oy!" Timon and Pumbaa say at the same time.

Timon and Pumbaa collapse in a dead faint.

Y/n POV (she's a newborn)

I saw all my father's people all huddling together to see me. I was shown to them by a man dressed in a clean white cloth {Rafiki in human form}; just as I was lifted up, a gust of wind blew around me and my family; for some reason, my parents closed their eyes but me being a sneaky baby I tried to catch it but of course failed. I look down to see the people below me bow down.


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