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Hi Guys. I am new to writing book because I normally just read books. I hope you will support me so that we can support each other . Please tell me if I have any grammar mistakes or anything. Criticism is a good thing. I'm sure it would help me become better as a writer. Any suggestions or comments, just comment.

August 13th was the most beautiful moment I have ever had with someone, but also the day I lost the love of my life.

Ryan and I were sitting on the terrace, watching the full moon. It was absolutely beautiful that I could not take my eyes off it. The wind softly blew my hair away as I felt a cold breeze against my skin. While I was busy staring at the stars, I noticed through the corner of my eye how Ryan looked at me. I shyly gave him a slight smile.

He smiled and gently whispered into my ear, "Love, you look stunning today". His words warmed my heart deeply as I blush shyly.

"T-thanks so uhm.. what's on your mind? You look kind of nervous, is everything alright?".

With that being said, he gently lifted my arms, pulled me up and said, "yes everything is fine. I am just nervous about what am about to say, that's all."

"Hey just relax okay? No need to be nervous". He gave me a slight smile and said, babe turn around "..without asking why, I turned around. Ryan clapped his hands. Suddenly I heard music playing in the background while he gently stared into my eyes romantically. When his eyes met mine, I felt something click. Almost like a key turning in a lock. I was lost in his eyes whiles he gently spoke the most beautiful speech;

"My dear Rosé, know that whatever happens, I shall always be there for you. Tonight, I brought you here because, you asked me if I could travel with you in other places of the world. Nevertheless baby, how?.... How can I travel with you when my world is already standing in front of me? With that, he took a step closer towards me. You always ask me what I like about you but the truth is I don't like the things you do but I love the things about you. So, let me start with the little things you do that I adore very much; your lips are so soft and red, the thought of kissing you is stuck in my head. Your beauty is so bright and warm, shinning through the darkest storm. Your eyes sparkle like stars in the night sky. When I stare into them, I feel like I am soaring high. My Love for you is pure and true. I never.... ever.... stop thinking of you. The sound of your voice saying "I love you" makes my heart pound because I knew I did indeed, truly find my one and only. I promise to love you for every moment of forever and when everything else crumbles my love towards you will never. I am your armor to protect you from harm. I am lucky to have you by my side for you are my heart, my soul, baby you are my whole world." While he was about to say his last words, he took a deep breath and said, "Love, will you give me the honour to put this promise ring on your finger ?"  Tears rolled down my cheeks. I was so happy because I have been waiting for that moment for a while now. I am happy that he finaly sees the future  with me.
I nodded shyly as he put the ring on my finger . When suddenly, Ryan face turned to an construction site in the distant.,,what's wrong" i asked him. ,, I see something flashing in the distants on that building they are trying to build over there "Ryan said. I turned my head to see what he was talking about. As I looked over to the building I suddenly saw a flash.

"Babe look out!" Ryan shouted. I was so scared that I couldn't move and all of sudden, Ryan pushed me away and took the bullet.

Never in my life have I felt so scared. I was so scared to death that every part of my body was in shock. My palms were sweating as I could literally feel my head spinning, my vision became blurred, black dots obscuring my sight. My ears were ringing with shock. My breath came in short pants as I looked at Ryan. He screamed from the pain he was in whiles his hand was on his wound. His shirt was covered in blood and his blood dripped on the floor. The thought of loosing him came into my mind as I hurriedly reached out to my phone to call an ambulance. After 3minutes the call ended. I knelt down next to Ryan with tears flowing down my cheeks.

"Babe, don't close your eyes stay with me "

He gently smiled and weakly nodded his head. Suddenly his eyes slowly started to close.

In panic, I shook his body, "Babe, keep your eyes on me please don't leave me", I said, whiles yelling and crying at the same time. I could see through my tears how weak he was. His light brown muscular body gradually began to appear pale. It looked like he had lost a lot of blood. Scared as I was, I held his hand tight, afraid of letting go. I didn't want him to see me like this so quickly I wiped off my tears. He gently held my hand and said with a small voice,, don't worry everything is going to be fine ."
,, no everything won't be okay you are at the point of dying how can you say everything is going to be fine " At that moment tears started falling down unto my cheeks. All I was hoping for was for the ambulance to arrive fast before he closes his eyes.

Within a few minutes, a police car and an ambulance arrived. I watched how they took him away from me. I couldn't help but blame myself for this. If I had moved away when he asked me to, this wouldn't have happened. Just like a house of cards, I stood there while the whole cards collapsed.

Thanks once again for Reading the book . And don't forget to like and comment .

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