Chapter seven

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When I woke up I saw that it was the next day already. I looked to the other side of the bed and realised that Francesco already left . I took my phone and looked at the clock 7:15. Oh shit! I have an hour to prepare for school or else I will be late for school again.
I can't let that happen again mom would kill me. I was late 5 times last week. I put my phone down and went straight to my room. I quickly packed my back and put it on my sofa as I rushed to the bathroom.
I brushed my teeth and took my bath in 5 minutes. It really was short, normally I take 25 minutes to get ready. As I went out of the bath the cold hit me. I picked up my bathrobe and wore it and went straight to my closet. I took the first top and pants I saw and wore it. Then I walked straight to my makeup table .
Rose outfit

Rose makeup

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Rose makeup

I quickly applied make up on my face and went straight downstairs

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I quickly applied make up on my face and went straight downstairs. I didn't have time for breakfast so I just took a banana and ate it on my way to the door. When I open the door I saw that the car was already parked in front of the house. Mr. Wale greeted me and opened the door. I stepped into the car. I greeted him back with a smile, after I put on my seatbelt. He smiled and started driving. After 15 minutes, we arrived at my school. I got out and thanked him, closed the door and started to walk to the entrance of the school. The wind softly blew my hair as my hair blew from side to side. While walking I saw other students talking to their friends not even caring if they are late or not. Speaking of friends, I saw Abby and Rebekah running towards me .
"Rose!!! Wait for us !!!" They shouted at the same time. I could hear in their voice that they were out of breath. I stopped walking for them to catch up with me . Once they finally reached me they bent down and were breathing heavily. Man these girls really hate to be late. I looked at their exhausting face and smiled .
"hey Rose " Abby and Rebekah said to me with a smile after catching their breath.
"hey guys" I greeted them back .
We started talking nonstop and laughing out loud. Seriously these two need to stop before I pee in my pants.
While talking and laughing the wind wildly blew as I saw goosebumps on my arms. Woah since when did it start getting this cold. If I knew the weather would change that fast I would have taken my coat with me.
Suddenly we heard a cough behind us. We turned around and saw none other than Francesco and Alejandro behind us. The two annoying best friends. Great I thought to myself. They stood there looking at us form head to toe. Everything was awkward but not that awkward until Francesco decided to take off his shearling coat .
"Why are you taking off your coat?" Becca asked looking at Francesco with a confused face. I mean I get why she would say that it is pretty cold and dumb me didn't even think of taking a coat. But on the other side what's the big deal in him taking off his coat. Let me remind you we are still outside and we need to hurry before we are late.
Meanwhile Becca was still confused. Suddenly, Francesco wrapped the coat around me .
Wait what ? Did he just take his coat off to wrap it around me because am cold?
I was in shock, not only me but everyone. Francesco, the school bad boy did that to me Rose. What would people think of this? I thought to myself.
Francesco stepped forward and whispered in my ear, "I can see you're cold kitty-cat." With that he took a step back and left with Alejandro.
I stood there for a sec without blinking. I'm I seeing or hearing things right now ?
Suddenly, I heard a hand clap in my face. I blinked and saw Abby and Becca staring at me with a smirk on their mouth.
"I told you he is nice, and are you already hitting on him ?" She said playfully raising her eyebrows up and down .
I pushed her away from me and rolled my eyes and said, "Cut it Abby, I'm not! Don't forget he is the school bad boy ".
She rolled her eyes .
"Well I think he is hitting on you Rose. You are a lucky to be liked by the bad boy himself ."
Now I rolled my eyes and said, "come on ladies, cut it out! Let's go before we are late."
They nodded as we started running to the class.
A few minutes later Abby, Becca and I made it to class on time. We sat down in our seats. If it wasn't because I was so cold, I would have returned his coat by now and don't worry about him he had a hoodie on.
I put my books and pencil on my desk as Mr. Butts walked into the class.
Mr. Butts is my favorite teacher he is very friendly and open minded person . He can take jokes and is quite a savage himself. I just wished all my teachers where like him. With a sigh I looked over at the back and saw Francesco staring at the window. This boy doesn't even do anything in this class yet he still gets higher scores than me. How is that possible? With that I looked back at the board.
"Good morning class, today our main focus would be about loving ourselves, the question for you all is m, why is it important to love yourself. Does anyone have any idea why?" He asked .
He looked behind me and said , "Yes Mr. Fernando go ahead "
"Why are we even talking about this when it's not even related to our topic?". He asked.
Of course he would ask something as stupid as that, he never gives a normal answer. Anyway.
Mr Butts sighed and shook his head .
I rolled my eyes and raised my hands.
,"Yes go ahead " he said .
"I think its important to have self-love because by giving yourself love you feel at ease and and have the power to erase doubt, self-loathing, discrimination , and any hurtful feelings. You can't love others or show love to others when you don't love yourself. Also, by doing that we erase the negative ways we see ourselves and we feel complete and worthy".

"Well done. I'm happy that I have a student in my class who gives intelligent answers instead of talking trash."He said.
Fransecco rolled his eyes in irritation.
"Okay I want all of you to write an eassy about what loving yourself means to you. I'll be back" he added as he walked out of the class.
I wanted to make a note in my journal. As I was looking for it I saw it lying behind Emily's chair. I think it might have fallen out of my bag since I forgot to close my bag. I tapped a girl next to Emily to ask her if she could ask Emily to pick it up for me.
She turned around looked at me and turned around not even bothering to tell Emily.
Such a rude girl .
Great now I need to pick it up myself.
I bent down a bit while I still had my buttocks on the chair. As soon as I grabbed the journal i felt pain on my butt.
Did I just get slapped on my butt?
I turned around with my eyes wide open.
I saw Fransecco looking at me with a smrik on his face .
"Really?!" I bucked at him with my fist. He didn't even bother to flinch. What a jerk who the heck does he think he is. When I finally thought I was wrong about him he behaves like a total douchebag.
"You two over there what's going on?" Mr butt asked as he entered the classroom.
"He smacked my butt." I answered .
"What?!" I didnt even smack it in that way. All I did was smack the dust off her pants" he lied.
,, yeah right! there was no dust on my fucking butt you morron!" I yelled .
The next thing you see Abby is holding me back so I don't punch him as Francesco and I are yelling at each other.
"Kittycat, what are you even trying to do, those weak fist won't do . I have to admit you sure got a nice ass right there." He said with a wink.
Now he really did it. I pushed Abby out of my way as I was about punch him, Mr. Butts yelled .
We both stood there looking at each other in the eyes while the other students looked at us.
Mr. Butts rarely yells great I thought to myself.
"This is all your fault, you pervert!" I said while I pushed my shoulder hard to his and walked out of the room with him behind me.
As we walked I was really mad. All I wanted was to peacefully follow the lesson but no Mr. genuis decided to get me in trouble. I rolled my eyes at the thought of him.
Suddenly my back hit a hard surface, without thinking I had my hands up in a little fist ready to throw. I felt a soft breath on my neck .
"kitty just admit it, you liked it" he whispered in my ears. His arms trapping me in a space with him in front of me and only a small space between us.
"You really are confident. Let me remind you that I'm not like those girls you hang out with. And who like being smack on their butts" I said . He just smirked.
"Playing hard to get huh? You sure you can handle my charm".
He said as his face came closer to my neck.
"You want me to try if you can fight those charm kitty?"he whispered into my ears as he softly bite on it.
I swallowed nervousness . What is happening to me? Suddenly I felt very hot and this coat is making it even worse.
Before that jerk tried something funny again I pushed him away.
"h-here is your coat I don't need it anymore " I said while I gave him his coat. Quickly, I turned around and as I was about to walk away, he held my hand and said, "You're going the wrong direction kitty "
"R-right " I mumbled with that I turned to my left and walked away. While walking I heard him laughing .
All I wish now was for this to be over.

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