Chapter two

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I anxiously opened the door and at that moment everyone looked at me and begun to whisper.

"Have you heard the news?"

"Do you mean the news about Ryan's death?"

"Yep how he died would be a mystery I mean I was walking in the neighborhood when suddenly I heard a ambulance  2 miles away from me coming to my direction then all of sudden I see her coming out in shock with blood all over her hands... isn't it strange."

"Tell me about it. Last week I was passing by when I suddenly heard her shouting at him and telling him about how she wanted him dead so I think It could be possible that she is behind the death of Ryan. I mean she threathed him a few weeks ago and now he is dead is that not kind of suspisoins," with that they all gave me a dirty look.

I am not going to walk like an idiot and say nothing whiles they are here talking trash about me.

Angrily, I walked towards their table, I hit the table hard and said, "Who are you calling a killer here?! You know what is really weird huh? Nobody in this school knew that it was a gun so how did you manage to find out that a gun killed him? And what the hell were you doing there around that time?!"

"I think you have completely lost your mind! What the hell do you mean by  how did I know that? I live in the neighborhood, idiot. And yes, is it not a wonder that you are still alive? I mean How come you survied when you were with Ryan . Maybe you are just pretending to be all innocent hiding behind the mask"

"How dare you talk to me like that?! I loved Ryan, I would never do anything to hurt him."

"Well i doubt that " ...she said.

,, I don't really care about what you think because I will never hurt him."

,,If you are certain that you are innocent, I want you to hear this, ". She looked over to her shoulder as one of them took out their telephone and pressed the memo.

I heard my voice over the phone shouting that  if he did that again I would kill him.

She looked at me fiercely and said "so after this proof you still think you are innocent?"

Without hesitation, I gave her a hard blow, "how do you have the guts and disrespect to record my conversation with him?!" Are you not ashamed of yourself? Eventhough I said that, I will never kill him. We all say somethings we don't mean when we are angry but that does not mean that I would really do it!"

She looked at me angrily, "your behavior says something completely different."

"Now that we're talking about it, do  you not think you're guilty of his death? "

She looked at me with a questioning face.

,,Yes you heard me I mean, 1. You've been following him for a while 2. You knew where he lived and where he moved to. I wasn't even surprised when I found out you knew where he moved to. I mean you have been spying on him for quite a long time now. So speaking of guilty people you are one of them."

" Do you mean I am one of the people who killed Ryan? I wasn't that close with Ryan. Everyone knew that!" She fired back at me.

"Yes of course but everyone also knew how madly in love you were with Ryan. Everyone knew that you were jealous about our close relationship. You even had a fan page with all his photos. I saw a caption on one of his photos on the fan page that you made that, "If I can not have you, then nobody can." I'm I wrong. Didn't you post that? So you are not that innocent. You might have gotten someone to kill him so that no one will have him. But you know what, Ms. Field, you didn't have him too. So we both lost, Ms. Field.

her eyes widened in surprise as she gave me a hard look.

"Now that we both agree on that, lets go on our seperate ways ." With that I walked off.

When I sat down, I heard a familiar voice behind me laughing. I turned around and saw that jerk on the stairs. Seriously, if that jerk from earlier on is in my class then that will cause even more problems.

However, I did not find anything funny, the fact that he ridicules me upset me.

So I turned around and said, "what is the thing that is so funny to the point where you have to laugh so hard about it?"

"Why are you questioning? Can I not laugh?"

"Uhm, no."

"Well then you're unlucky because I think you're funny."

"What do you mean funny? I am stating facts, that Ryan's death is not my fault and you are here claiming I am funny, very funny right."

He grinned, that made me even more angry.

This guy really annoys me to the extent that, my thoughts are about to shoot at him. Who does he think he is?

"Look, I'm not going to give you any attention and the fact that you think this is funny is pathetic."

"Hear yourself pretend Ryan is an angel while you do not know anything about him", he said.

"I have known Ryan for six years, I would never doubt him. I know how Ryan behaves and he would not hurt a fly."

"You say that but who knows what he is doing behind closed doors, maybe you don't know and of course he wouldn't tell anyone."

"Okay, that does not interest me. I know Ryan and I and he is not, nowhere near your disgraceful description. Maybe you're telling a wild story of your own but unfortunately it's not Ryan."

"Okay then, believe what you want to, but do not say that I have not warned you."

"And by the way, who are you to speak so badly about him ".

"Why are you already interested in me?", he said.

I turned slowly around and deeply thought about what that jerk said. Did I really know Ryan like I thought I did? Did he have dark, mysterious secrets that I do not know of. And why is this boy talking about Ryan like that? Maybe he knows something. The thoughts came rushing into my head faster than anything and I had no answers to my questions.

Was the death of Ryan planted and done purposely? Who would have planted it? Who would it have benefitted?

Who is this guy? Is there actually something about him? I urgently need to know more about what the guy knows about Ryan before it's too late. The master came into the classroom and taught us two hours in a row. It was not that interesting for me nor for anyone else and you could also notice that because nobody was paying attention. The master became a little angry because of this and started screaming a little. Everyone looked at him and started to sit upright again. With an angry tone he added "if you think that this is a sleeping lesson you must be crazy and the person who wants to pay attention must now sit upright and write notes!"

With a sigh I grabbed my pen and paper and began to make notes. A few minutes later, the lesson was over, I took my stuff and walked out of the classroom heading straight to my next lesson.

As I walked to the next class, I felt as if people were watching me. They began to whisper and 'the killer' was what they called me.

I felt tears running down my cheeks, but I wiped them off and quickly walked into the classroom without turning around. When I entered the classroom, I quickly sat down and put my head on the desk while I softly cried and hid my face tightly in my arms.

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