Chapter 11

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Seth is cooking the pizza for dinner tonight, he loves homemade pizza it's one of his favorites and especially his mom's recipe. And he hopes Dean likes it but knowing Dean and his appetite, and taste buds Seth has nothing to worry about there isn't much Dean doesn't like.

Dean comes in the kitchen when the pizza gets done and says "babyboy it smells so good, you said it was your mom's recipe right? I can't wait to taste it" as Seth nods his head "yep mom's recipe and I hope you like it" as he carries it to the table which is already setup he did that early as Dean sits down and waits for Seth to join him at the table so they can eat together. Dean digging in and absolutely loves it he can't believe how much he loves Seth's cooking and looks forward to it every night, he needs the gym back because he has put on some weight and he needs to start to work out again because his body maybe muscular but he needs his tone back too which only comes back when he can be at the school and the gym working out (lol), Plus Seth likes Dean's body all tone and muscular aka build.

Dean can't wait for tomorrow morning so he can talk to his doctor about going back to work light duty for now, he misses the gym and school for sure and can't wait to get back there and on somewhat of a schedule, they finish eating Seth's homemade pizza and then head upstairs to Dean's room being followed by the puppy's Seth put both Kev and Blue's beds down at the end of Dean's bed for now because this is Kev's first night here and he needs to get comfortable and having Blue close by will help because they have got close quick.

They get ready for bed because they have a long day tomorrow morning for sure, Dean has his check-up with his doctor and either way he has his rehab with Bray and Seth has work and Ashley is back so a "Welcome Back Party" for her this weekend for sure, work is definitely going to be more full throttle with Ashley back she is very exciting to be around and Seth is happy she is back finally, Dean wraps his good arm around Seth as they get into bed and get comfortable before falling asleep together.

Next morning they wake up Dean goes into the bathroom to shower before he wakes up Seth, Kev followed him to the door he likes Dean already so he lays there wait for Dean to get done Dean smiled at him before going in the bathroom "Kev I'll be out in a little bit alright" as he leaned over and padded Kev's head, he goes and shaves his beard that he has grown out the last few weeks now he needs to trim it. As Seth gets up and walks towards the bathroom but stops when he sees Kev at the door he learns over and rubs his head before going in to see Dean getting in the shower, "Deano why didn't you wake me up? Plus you are aware of Kev being outside the door right? As Dean opens the shower door and smiles "I had to shave my beard and yes I know he is there, he followed me earlier when I got out of bed I think he likes it here already and when I get done in here I'll take him outside to the yard with Blue all his shots are up to date right? As Seth smiles at him "yes he is up to date on everything" as Dean continues to shower off he wants to get the hair off his face, Seth says "wait you shaved your beard, why it was so handsome" as Dean turns off the water and opens the door to the shower and smiles at Seth "babyboy I had to it was getting out of control, but it's not completely gone I just trimmed it" as Seth sees Dean's face and smiles "mmm Deano it's sexy" as he starts to dry off before heading towards his room to get dressed to take the puppies outside so Seth can get ready himself, because they have a long day ahead of them.

When Dean and Seth walk back into Dean's room Kev follows behind them and when they get into the room Kev barks to wake up Blue so they can go outside soon together, Dean starts to get ready before taking them outside  to the backyard while Seth goes and gets ready himself, they got a little bit before they have to be at Dean's doctor appointment so on their way there they will stop and get something to breakfast. Kev and Blue are outside in the backyard while Dean is stretching on the backporch he isn't going into the doctor office for his check-up sore today.

Seth comes out and says "mmm Deano I like The View very much" as Dean lefts up and turns around and sticks his tongue out at Seth "really babyboy that's good to know" as Dean walks over to Seth and wraps his arm around him before he calls Kev and Blue to come inside why they go to the doctor office then Dean's rehab session with Bray and Seth heads to the shop for a little bit, welcoming back Ashley to work and talking to Lita about celebrating her return this weekend. They make sure the puppies have everything they need until they get back and they head out making sure to stop and get breakfast before getting to Dean's doctor appointment, Dean is alittle nervous he hopes the doctor gives him good news today and in a few minutes he will be finding out if he can go back to light duty at work or not? The nurse calls him back and both Dean and Seth go back with her to a room and wait for the doctor to arrive.

A few minutes late Dean's doctor arrives and sits down across from them "hey Mr Ambrose, your his boyfriend right Mr Rollins? His brother told me about you" as Seth nods his head "yep that's me" as he looks at Dean "how are you feeling, any pain? As Dean nods his head "no pain and I'm doing good doc" as the doctor gets up and walks over and starts to check him out a few minutes later he says "it looks good, and I think u can go back to work light duty but don't overdo, and I still want you doing rehab for two more weeks" as Dean smiles "omg thanks doc and I can do that, and another visit with you in 6 weeks right? As the doc nods his head and gets up and walks out letting Dean and Seth leave too, they head towards the gym so Dean can have rehab with Bray and tell everyone later on about him coming back to work light duty and Seth leaves him there and goes to the shop.

When he gets there Ashley Massaro is there already and Seth is Happy to see her and they caught up before Seth talks to Lita about the welcome back party for her this weekend, they go over everything and make sure everyone knows about it then Seth leaves to go back to get Dean. Dean already let everyone about his light duty come Monday morning and everyone is happy he will be back even if it's part-time right now as they head home and when they get there they find Blue and Kev cuddling together in the living-room floor and Seth takes a picture and posts it on Instagram with the caption "aww our puppies have already bonded" and he tags Dean with himself.

Next part... I'll get into Kevin and Sami getting picked up by the cops... I know I was meant to get into it this chapter but I want more chapter in this story!!! We will be seeing how the other characters are doing too, plus Corey shows his true colors!

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