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190110 | 01:13

Sunshineyoungmin190110 | 01:13

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Hyunjin kept his eyes focussed on the ground as he tried to hide his face in his hoodie. He kept his eyes on the ground until the volume of their voices decreased.

Their laughs disgusted him. He was mad. Mad because it's happening because of him and due the fact that Felix didn't kept his promise. He would leave Seungmin alone if he had a new 'toy' to play with.

He knew that he had to warn him but deep inside he knew he couldn't. He hated them so much. He knew the moment that he saw chan that he couldn't trust him and to be honest, he was wrong at most time since his reflex was just so powerful.

Hyunjin sunk to the ground, feeling the damp grass soaking into his old and worn out skinny jeans. Hyunjin sighed deeply. He didn't know what to do.

He grabbed the roots of his hair and yelled it out in frustration.

I need to tell Seungmin but he wouldn't believe me. But I need to do something before its to late.


Chan walked away from his group. A smirk plastered on his face. His confidence level was so high, he knew he can succeed in this mission.

Yes, chan is felix' best friend that he hid for ages. He never told Hyunjin that they were friends and was never planning to tell him.

Chan smirked at the sight of the boy in the distance. He was ready to ruin his life and all. He felt everything but bad about the absurd plan. He straighten his posture and was ready to turn into his fake self again.

"Seungmin!" He yelled as a smile was plastered on his face in an instance.

Seungmin quickly turned his head to his direction and waved happily.

He has no idea what's going to happen to him soon.


Hyunjin ran through the whole school building, searching for Seungmin.

the boy in the rain ✘ seungjin Where stories live. Discover now