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200104 | 00:47

Sunshineyoungmin200104 | 00:47

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hyunjin was annoyed

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hyunjin was annoyed. he threw his jacket across the room as he entered his apartment. he felt his heart facing out of anger.

he hated felix so much.

he threw his body on the couch, staring mindlessly at the sudden-interesting ceiling.

but what if he was right though? no, that couldn't be.

"jisung," he placed his phone close to his face.

"what's up? "

"can you do something for me?"


his hand was hurting, his back was aching like crazy and his head was spinning.

he threw the pen across his desk, frustrated that even after so many hours of figuring hyunjin, he just couldn't figure it out!

he had to do research. he had some books but they weren't really helping either but he knew that something would indicate if he would disappear but he still had to figure it out.

he looked at the clock. it was only 10am and he was ready to hop in bed again.

he groaned, throwing his head back to stare at the blank ceiling that just stared back at him.

jisung grabbed his pen again, not really concentrating on the books that were all scattered on his unorganised space.

he heard a knock on the door faintly through his apartment. he frowned, standing up.

jisung stretched as he made his way to the door. he already excepted who it would be so he threw it open with a big swing.


minho? how does he know where i live?

"good morning sunshine."

jisung really wasn't in the mood for this right now. he was so stressed that he could pull every single hair out of his body.

the boy in the rain ✘ seungjin Where stories live. Discover now