653 27 22

Set in 2019.

THE SHORT BRUNETTE slapped her best friend as she giggled softly, shaking her head as he threw a hand full of popcorn at her. On a cold Saturday afternoon, the brunette and her boy best friend decided to hang out with each other and watch movies.

   "will! Stop it!" She shrieked out as the boy started to tickle her, the bowl cut hair boy couldn't help but laugh loudly as he kept tickling her. She snorted as she fell off the couch, making him bust out with laughter.

    She playfully glared at him, letting a loud huff out as she sat up, trying to stay serious but instantly failed. "At least help me dork." She says playfully as she reaches her hands up for him. he giggled quietly, helping her up and back on the couch.

"Sorry el." He started to grin as he took a handful of popcorn, stuffing it into his mouth as he looked down at his watch, 6:49 pm. He nodded to himself, "Yeah whatever Byers." She rolled her eyes playfully as they met eyes.

Both of them turned their head to the tv, eyes glued on the tv now. The goonies. What a classic. El kept giggling as her favorite character, mouth came up on the screen. She was completely gushing over him.

"Will do you see him? He's so cute!" She gushed, causing will to fake gag, getting a slap back from the girl as she felt offended by his actions but giggled. They kept giggling as a knock was suddenly heard, causing them to instantly stop. 

   The two teenagers exchanged a look at each other as the girl got up, making her way towards the door. The same knock was heard again as the girl unlocked the door, opening it up. She met eyes with a pair of familiar ones as she grinned.

    "lucas! Hey!" She let out a laugh as she pulled him into a hug, the taller boy slammed her door shut as he carefully unwrapped her hands from his body.

   "El." He says out of breathe as he had to take a deep breaths in and out, resting both of his hands on his knees. He was bending down slightly, his heart beat speeding up from all the running he had did minutes before.

   Eleven furrowed her eyebrows as she rested her hand on the dark boys shoulder, raising an eyebrow as she turned towards her best friend, will shrugged just confused as her as she decided to speak up.

   "Is everything alright lucas?" She asked him softly as she guided him towards the living room, they all took a seat down on the lavender couch, as their attention turned back onto their friend.

   When lucas finally slowed down his breathing, he blinked. "Guys. Did you hear about what's going on?" He asked them both concerned as he felt a wave of fear hit him again.

   Chills went down his spine as he thought about what he had just saw, he tapped his knee as he fiddled with his hands. He didn't know how to say what he was about to say without completely freaking out the two.

"Um...the government. they're  doing something bad..really bad." He said after a short moment of silence. Something flashed in the shorter girls eyes as she furrowed her eyebrows.

Will let out a shakey breath as he looked at the darker skinned boy in front of him, he looked down, "what do you mean Lucas?" He asked him in a small voice as he looks up at him.

The tall boy let out a breath as he shook his head, "here I'll show you." He mutters under his breath before he pulls his phone out of his pocket.

"Look at this. It got leaked on the internet earlier, something about the purge." Lucas states, as they all look at each other with confusion written over their faces.

He sets his phone in between his hands as he presses on the video. It was silent until they saw someone come into view. It looked like...the president? "As you all may know, the government passed the idea of something we call the purge." Venom dropped through the mans voice as he chuckled lowly.

El turned her head as she looked at will very worriedly, she covered her mouth once she saw that the man raised an aka-47. Will covered his eyes as he couldn't bare to watch what he would do next.

"meaning that when that clock hits midnight, for 84 hours all crimes will be legal. And you won't be arrested for it." The man continued as he the took of his mask, Lucas felt himself look down at his lap.

El felt anger and Disgust rush through her veins as he saw there president, their president for god sacks! Will took elevens hand as he gave it a small squeeze because of how nervous and scared he was feeling.

El couldn't help but pause the video quickly as she jumped up, finally taking in what he had said.

"Wait..wait! So that means people can murder people and get away with it?!" She cried out as she looked at him. She had to take a deep breath in as she closed her eyes.

Lucas looked at her, biting his lip as he didn't want it to be true, but he knew it was all true.after a moment he nodded his head at her question.

"And the police can't do anything about it. You can literally do anything!" He shook his head in disgust as he felt his body shrudder.

Eleven took her hand out of wills as she had to really take in what was happening, she was about to say something before someone busted through the door.

They all gasped jumping up in terror as they turned to who was there, seeing their best friend, Dustin Henderson.

"What the fuck! Did you hear what happened?!" He yelled out loudly as he shit the door behind him.

Lucas rolled his eyes as he stood up quickly, "yes Dustin! We heard!-" he was suddenly cut off.

"By 84 hours! That's four fucking days Lucas! 4 fucking days! How are we even gonna survive this?!" Dustin cries out as he felt himself wanting to cry but didn't.

Will thought for a moment before he stood up, "guys, guys, we have el." He spoke softly as he turned to his best friend, she looked up meeting eye contact with his brown ones.

Dustin and Lucas exchanged looks before they sighed with relief, "holy shit I completely forgot!" Dustin cursed out as he rested both hands on his head. this will be a long four days.

― 𝒘𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒅. ( purge x it x st ❦ ✧)Where stories live. Discover now