Chapter 1

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Emma's POV.

Tonight my wife Regina told me the best and scariest news. It seems we are about to become parents. Yup, my wife is pregnant. Well I shouldn't be so surprised we have been trying and hoping, but at the same time in the back of my mind I'm so scared. I didn't have the best time growing up. Being in foster homes the way I am I got bullied a lot. I guess I should mention I'm intersexual. That means I'm a female, but was born with a male reproductive system. Yup, I have a penis. (A very sizable one, just sayin). Anyway, so my wife is pregnant. We are going to have a baby. I always wanted to be a parent. I always wanted to have kids and to make their lives better than the one I had growing up , but knowing that now it's happening it's just so much to take in. Gina and I both have our baggage from our childhoods, but I think that we both can do this the right way. Regina said she took a few home pregnancy tests that all came out positive so she booked an appointment for tomorrow to make sure it's correct. I love my wife and I want a family with her. I've never known love until I met her. I know we can do this. So for now we are getting ready for bed, we just kiss good night and snuggle together, with me being the big spoon of course. Soon we will have our answers.

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