Chapter 1

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He lay awake in his bed, those words repeating in his head over and over, "Lets go back there tomorrow, alright?" He wanted to go back. To see that world again. To see Ralsei again. Something seemed strangely familiar about his friend, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. He was surprised, though, about Ralsei showing his friends how he actually looked. He was a white goat, not a black one. Although Kris didn't seem surprised, he really was. He was probably even more surprised than Susie, who looked as if she had just seen a ghost. But Kris still needed to go back there and see Ralsei again. He needed to find out what it is that was so familiar about his friend. Finally, Kris drifted off to sleep.

"Kris? Kris?" A voice called out. Kris looked around but only saw darkness. Then he saw something. It was Susie. Kris ran over to his new friend but she disappeared. Kris looked around in confusement and panic. He then heard another voice that he recognized. "Kris!" He whipped around and a dark figure stood in front of him. The figure looked up and Kris immediately recognized who it was. It was Ralsei.

"Ralsei!" Kris exclaimed and hugged his friend. Ralsei pushed him back and said, "Kris. Leave now! You don't belong here." Kris looked at Ralsei with a worrisome and scared look on his face.

"But... Why?" Kris asked; a hint of fear in his voice.

"You never belonged here. Not in this world or the over-world. Nobody likes you, Kris. I never liked you. I just used you so I could get out of the underworld but then I had to stay in mine." Kris started to tear up and replied, "But... I thought we were friends." Ralsei's eyes narrowed and he yelled, "WE WERE NEVER FRIENDS, KRIS? DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND!?" Kris felt a tear roll down his cheek. Then he heard a blaring, ear-piercing beeping sound. He closed his eyes and covered his ears.

"Kris? Your alarm has been going off for 5 minutes? Are you ok?" Kris opened his eyes. He was in his room and his mother was at the door. Toriel rushed over to Kris and said, "Oh, you've been crying? What's wrong?" Kris wiped away his tears and replied, "Oh, it was just a bad dream..." Toriel hugged her son and reassured him, "It's going to be alright. What happened in your dream? Talking about it will make you feel better." Kris thought for a moment and responded, "My best friend was telling me he hated me and that I was a mistake. He said I didn't belong here and that I was never his friend..." Another tear came out of Kris' eye and Toriel hugged him again.

"It's going to be alright, Kris. It was just a bad dream. Now let's get ready for school, alright? You can see your best friend, there and then you'll know he still is your friend." Kris smiled at the thought of seeing Ralsei again but then remembered that when he returned to the overworld the closet was just an unused classroom. Had it just been all a dream? No; Susie remembered the whole thing that Kris did. But how? He decided to just worry about that later because he was going to be late for school again.

Kris arrived at class. For once he wasn't late. He sat down and waited impatiently for Susie to arrive. He was really looking forward to seeing his monster friend again.

Kris felt a tap on his shoulder and looked to the right of him.

"Yo, Kris, I'm so sorry you got partnered with Susie! She's the worst! If you would've been here earlier, I would've been your partner for the project!" Monster kid whispered. Those words hurt Kris. He couldn't believe Monster Kid was talking about Susie that way. Then he remembered that yesterday morning, he would've said the same thing about her. That hurt him even more.

"Okay, everyone. I found chalk after school so now we can do our assignment!" Alphys exclaimed. Just then the door opened. A tall purple monster with Brown hair came into the classroom. Kris immediately recognized her. It was Susie! Susie looked over at Kris and smiled. Kris smiled back. Susie walked over to her seat, completely ignoring what the teacher said and sat down behind Kris. Kris looked behind him and said, "Hey, Susie. I'm glad you could make it." Susie smiled slightly and replied, "Thanks. You, too."

They waited a long 3 hours until it was time for lunch. The lunch room was medium sized. It had lots of tables. Susie usually sat alone but this time Kris sat next to her. Monster Kid sat by everyone else in the class and then he realized that Kris wasn't sitting with them like he normally did.

"Guys, where's Kris at?" He asked. Berdly just shrugged and said, "Beats me. I don't even like him anyway." Temmie said, "oh me nether. wait hoo is he wiff!!??" Noelle saw where Temmie was looking and said, "He's with Susie!" Everyone else at their table gasped

"Susie!? But she's the meanest in the whole school!" Monster Kid exclaimed.

"yeh!" Temmie agreed. Noelle frowned and replied, "We shouldn't talk about Susie like that."

"But Susie is The. Worst." Berdly responded. Noelle began to feel uncomfortable and a bit sad so she grabbed her lunch and walked over to the table where Susie and Kris were sitting. Temmie yelled, "wut!! wy is she doin dat!?" Berdly shrugged and replied, "I have no idea, but I don't like it."

When Noelle arrived at Kris and Susie's table, she sat down across from Susie. Noelle felt her heart beating faster as Susie looked up with a confused look on her face and said, "Uh.. Hi, is it Carol?"

"Noelle, actually," she replied. Susie smiled and said, "Oh, hey." Noelle blushed and felt her heart racing as she looked back down and started eating.

"So, how do we get back to the dark world?" Susie asked Kris in a lower voice so Noelle wouldn't hear. Kris thought for a few seconds and replied, "Maybe after lunch we could sneak away back to that unused classroom?" Susie smiled and said, "Yeah, that's a perfect idea! Then I will finally get to see Lancer again! Ralsei, too." Kris replied, "Something seems strangely familiar about Ralsei. I had a nightmare about him last night..."

"You did? What happened in it?" Kris replied, "Well I was in a dark room and I heard someone calling my name. I couldn't see anyone but then you appeared there. I ran over to you and then you dissapeared and I got scared. Then I heard someone else say my name. I turned around and Ralsei was there. I hugged him and then he started saying things like he hated me and that I shouldn't exist. He was saying a bunch of mean things and I thought it was happening in real life. Then I woke up." Kris felt a tear come out of his eye and then Susie responded, "Oh wow, that is a bad nightmare. Susie hugged Kris and he felt his cheeks heat up. Susie felt herself blush as well. Noelle looked at them and felt her heart break because she could see that they were both blushing. She kept her head down as she ate the rest of her lunch.

A few minutes later the lunch bell rang and while their class was going to the classroom, Susie and Kris slipped away into the unused classroom. It was dark, just like the day before.

"Kris... Do you think I could uhh... H-hold your hand.. I mean like just in case we get seperated when we fall again," Susie stammered. She was glad it was dark so Kris couldn't see how she was madly blushing. Kris grabbed her hand and she started blushing even more. Kris blushed as well.

Then they fell.

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