24: 27 Things I learned before I turned 28

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1. I am not a saint. I'm only human. I made a lot of mistakes in the past. I lost my trust to people and people lost trust in me. I didn't know that coming out in my comfort zone will change me. When I was happy I made a lot of stupid decisions and that's okay.
2. People come and go and so is your friends and even your first love. Learn to accept it.
3. Travel a lot. I wish I've done this in my early years.
4. Go home on time. I know you need money from that overtime pay in your office but you'll miss a lot of fun in your home. Your mom and your grandma are getting older.
5. Eat good food and drink a lot of water. Take care of your body.
6. Learn how to sing in videoke. Your friends are having great time doing it. You miss the fun.
7. Learn how to dance. You may need it.
8. The people you admired and look up to will disappoint you and that's okay they are only human. You'll get hurt but you'll get over it.
9. Some things will not go according to your plan but don't loss hope. Focus on your goal.
10. Moisturise your skin and wear sunscreen you're not getting any younger.
11. It's not too late to get adult braces. You need it for self enhancement but I wish I've done this in my teenage years.
12. Open a bank account. Save money.
13. Go to the bars and clubs. Dancing on your own is a beautiful thing.
14. Be nice to strangers, you don't know what they are going through.
15. Leave that boring job.
16. Enroll to post graduate course. You'll never know the excitement of going back to school.
17. Boys are mean, you fall for them and they will leave you. Forgive them and move on.
18. Loneliness is not a depression know the difference.
19. Subscribe to Netflix. It will help you to overcome those lonely days.
20. Spend your time to the people who really cares for you.
21. Don't go after a man who doesn't know your worth. There are plenty of fish in the ocean.
22. Take care of your mental health.
23. You will meet a lot of people in the future that you could love so much. Stop worrying.
24. Read those trashy novels. It's like junkfood in the mind less intellect but oddly satisfying.
25. Listen to different genre of music. I've learned that Taylor Swift is not the only artist I can listen to. OPM is good.
26. When we go online and we scroll down to our social media accounts we tend to compare ourselves to different people. We scroll through the highlights of other people's awesome life we forget to see the highlight of our own life. Please stop doing that.
27. You are not going nowhere just because you're not in the place you want to be yet. Love yourself.

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