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When Alistair enters the house, I walk into the bedroom in only a shirt, a bra, and a pair of panties, all white.

He follows me in and kisses me, knowing instinctively what I want.

He pins me to the bed and runs against me.

I moan and Alistair groans against my lips as I push his jeans down, palming him through his boxers.

Then he pins my hands down with one of his, ripping my shirt and panties off to smirk when he sees my bra and panties.

"Oh how I love seeing you in white, but right now, I don't want to see you in anything." He mutters before pulling my bra and panties down, rubbing harshly against my core through his boxers.

I moan loudly and he chuckles, leaving a hickey on my neck.

Then I rip off his boxers, feeling his thick heat against my feminine qualities, making a slick heat pool between my legs.

I whine and arch against him, causing him to groan.

"This will hurt." He mutters before slamming into me.

I don't even get time to question what will hurt when I feel him inside me, stretching me, filling me, making my body his.

He pulls out slowly and pushes back in, making me gasp with slight discomfort before it starts to feel better.

He moves one of his hands to the headboard where he grasps it tightly, and the other is moved down to my hips where he uses it to keep my hips against his as he rocks into me, our skin slapping together as he makes love to me, our lips meeting so he can kiss me.

I gasp, pant, and moan loudly, not holding anything back as he makes me his, over and over again through the night until I am sure that I won't walk tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2019 ⏰

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