Chapter 10

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[Justin's POV]

We've been at the carnival for almost 2 hours for Alex's birthday and so far it's really fun. Everyone is having fun. "Justin can we eat?' Alex tugs at my pants. "Sure buddy." I smiled, "Mia, can you watch them. I'm going to get some food." She nodded and walked them to a table to sit at.

Walking over to the food place I accidentally bumped into a little kid, "I'm sorry sweetie I didn't see you. Are you alright?" I asked picking her up from off the floor. "Kinda, I hurt my arm." she pouted and I bent down to look at it, kissed it and smie. "Better?"

"Yes," she blushed, "Thank you mister." I chuckled as she ran away to her parents. Brushing the dirt off my pants I stood up and waked to the food stand.

But of course there was a stpid couple blocking my way, "Guys can you take this shit somewhere else, people are trying to eat."

"What the fuck?!" The girl said as he pulled away from the dude. Wait, I know that voice. "Justin?"

What. The. Fuck. "Selena?"

[Mia's POV]

"What's Justin doing., He's taking forever." Jaxon groaned and I agree, what is taking him forever. "Let's go look for him."

We got up from the table and walked to the food stand then spotted a boy, I'm sure it's Justin because I know he was wearing back beanie and a big ass hoodie. "Justin what's wrong?" I get to the front of him to see his face red, fist balled up, and jaw locked.

"Listen Justin, it's not what it looks like." The girl stuttered and wrapped her arms around his neck, he quickly moved it. "Oh really its not? So what does it look like to you? In my eyes it looks like you're cheating on me with this guy."

"Woah, you have a boyfriend?" The guy looks at her. Aw shit. "Had a boyfriend." Justin corrected him.

"Justin, you don't mean that do you?" She asked shocked. "Hell yeah I do. Fuck you, you lying slut. I gave you my all and you turn around and go fuck with other people?" Justin raised his voice and stepped closer to her getting angrier.

"Justin let's go. She isn't worth your breath." I put my hand on his arm and slightly pulled him back so he could face me. He locked eyes with mine sighed then nodded. We turned around and started walking off till she spoke up.

"And who the hell are you, his slut?" She asks and I stop. "Someone that has more sense than you, someone that's not pathetic. Someone who wouldnt dare to think about anoher man knowing I'm in love with someone else. Someone that isn't you." I say and walk away. This is new, I have more confidence. I would never say something like that.

"I can't believe her. What the fuck did I ever do to her? I never not once cheated." Justin pulled at his hair as we pulled up to his house. "Justin let's talk about this later, when the kids aren't here listening." I whisper and he nods.

We all get out the car and walked into the house.

It was late so I gave the kids a bath then took them to bed. "Alex did you have a fun birthday buddy?" I asked him. "Yeah it was really fun. I'm happy that we spent it with Justin, Jax, and Jazzy." he smiled.

"Me too." I smiled, "How did you cuties like it?"

"Loved it" they both said. "Okay good night guys. I love you." I kissed the three of their heads.

"I love you more." All of them said together as I leave the room. Justin was in the main room so I decided to go talk to him.

"You wanna talk now?" I ask him entering the room and sitting beisdes him.

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