Chapter 16

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[Justin's POV]
*three months later*
"Fuck you Justin! I can't believe you did that to me!" Mia screamed at me as the water dripped from her hair. I ran down the driveway laughing with the water gun in my hand.

[Mia's POV] 

I'm soaked. Justin wet me. I mean, don't get me wrong. I like being wet but its either because im showering of Justin is..."HA! Got you babe.' I heard as a pair of hands made its way around my waist whilst lifting me up. 

"You're so annoying."

"I know. but guess what?"


"YOU LOVE ME" Justin yells as he wets me even more then running away like a child. 

He was right though, I do love him. I'm in love with him. How can I not? Besides his soft hair, plump lips, nice smile AND body. He saved me and my brother and I couldn't be more grateful. He gave us a home and loved me for me. He's overall amazing. These last few months we've been with him has been the happiest I've ever been. And I've never seen my brother smile this much in a long time.

[Justin's POV]

Mia was in the bathroom washing up after I ambushed her with a bucket of water. It was mean but hey, she deserved every drop! She agreed with Ryan and Chaz when they said they're better than me at basketball. Like what the hell you're suppose to be my lady.

"Babe hurry up I want to cuddle!" I pouted. 

"Okay! are the kids in bed?" she yelled back. Damn we sound like a married couple, "Heard that!" 

"Oh shit" I laughed, "I'm going to check now honey!" emphasizing 'Honey'

I walked down the hall into the kids room and they were sleep, so peaceful.  I shut off the light and closed the door.

"Hey." Mia said standing in the bathroom doorway dressed in nothing but her bra panties and a robe. She looks so beautiful. Her skin complexion and matching bra and panties went together very well. Her hair was damp, fresh and natural face. Her lips looked more juicy than ever. Her body, no words.

All I can get out,


I'm in love. 

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