Chapter 2

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Hey new chapter. Better than the first

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Chapter 2

Over the past month of living in America me, Lily and Rosy became best friends. We went everywhere together. I was on the cheer squad with them so we practiced all the time together.

Since moving here I had had 1 boyfriend: Erik Campwell he was the captain of the football team, he had brown spiky hair with blonde highlights and blue eyes. He was about 6 foot tall - quite a lot taller than me - and he didn't have as many muscles as some of the other players but you couldn't tell because of the way he played and acted and he was hot but, I had already dumped him. The way we ended was amazing but humiliating for him at the same time.

We were in the cafeteria at the time, sitting on the same table as the rest of the football team and cheer squad. We were sitting next to each other when another member of the football team showed up. His name was Craig he was hot too but he had become more like a brother to me. We used to joke around a lot so when he came up to the table I knew he was going to insult me and I smiled waiting for it.

He looked me up and down then looked in my eyes and smiled wickedly then, he said,

"Your alright, I've seen better though" He shrugged and smiled and I was about to reply. When Erik got up and hit him in the face sending Craig down to the floor where he just sat and looked completely caught off guard.

Erik was just about to hit him again when I shouted at him to stop. This attracted the whole of the cafeteria's attention. Erik looked at me as I started walking towards him. He looked so confused when he asked,

"He just insulted you and you DON'T want me to kick his ass?"

"No I don't want you to kick his ass." I said as I helped Craig up. "He's a friend and we were just joking we do it all the time."

"What do you mean? I didn't even know you knew him." Erik replied completely bewildered.

I looked at him and raised an eyebrow, "That's because you don't own me and you don't know anything about me." I shouted at him earning some "oohs" from the on looking crowd.

Erik looked kind of hurt but replied saying, "I do know you. Your favourite colour is blue, you love liquorice sweets, you hate horror films, you..." I held up my hand to stop him from talking.

"No Erik my favourite colour is RED, I HATE liquorice sweets, I LOVE horror films and most importantly I am NOT your girlfriend anymore." Everyone laughed at my comment but went silent to hear Erik's next words.

"You can't just dump me like that. You have no reason"

"Look I'm sorry Erik but," Everyone tensed ready for my next words that they thought would be the famous words "it's not you, it's me."

But that's not what I said, "It's not me, it's you" is how I replied.

Everyone was laughing a lot after I said it even the surrounding teachers had smiles on their faces. Erik just looked shocked. Before he could reply the twins pulled me away. They didn't stop laughing about it for days.

We became friends after a week but, I could tell he still liked me.

I hadn't spoken to Kacy or Alex since moving here. But I couldn't really complain I hadn't exactly tried to contact them.

Anyway, I was in the changing room with the rest of the squad. We were having a meeting before we went out to cheer. You see this was the battle we had been training for. It was against the Tigers. Everyone was nervous except for me because I didn't know what they were like. The one thing that actually made everyone to leave the changing room was the fact that they had a secret weapon: me.

I was the backup plan. If we started losing I was to take centre stage. Apparently the Tigers weren't very good at doing stunts so I was going to show that I was.

We won the cheer battle and to everyone's surprise we didn't have to use the backup plan. According to Lily and Rosy for the past few months the captain of the Tigers Lizzie Smith had been trying to get a guy - who moved to LA like a month before me - to date her. But he wasn't interested. Apparently she was thinking of giving up for a while and moving on to Erik. It was a rumour that she liked the things she couldn't get but, her wanting them faded when she got them.

Lily updated me on this guy while Rosy got us all a bottle of water. His name was Matt Greene, he was majorly hot (in lily's words), he was really good at sports but didn't play on his schools team, he had 1 brother, Antoine and a foster sister Katherine Marks, his parents worked at home but, no one had ever seen them and (Lily said this with emphasise) he hasn't dated anyone since he moved there.

When Rosy got back we started talking about what to do at their house that night for our sleepover when I felt the need to turn around. It felt like someone was staring at me but at the same time my brain wanted me to turn and look in that direction anyway, so I had no choice but to look. I turned and saw the source of the staring straight away. It was a guy standing near the edge of the field. He was wearing, a dark black top and black jeans. He had the same type of build as Erik only he had a few more muscles and from where I was standing it looked like he had plain black hair. He looked hot.

I called Lily and Rosy over without breaking eye contact with the guy staring at me. I nodded towards him and asked,

"Who's he?"

Lily looked shocked but said, "That's Matt..."

"Greene" Rosy finished. "but, he hasn't been to a game since starting school there." continued Rosy.

"So why is he here now?" asked Lily.

"Maybe he heard about our new team member." Rosy said raising an eyebrow

"Don't flatter yourself." Said a voice behind us. I turned to see who it was and noticed Lizzie standing there with 2 girls with her, Jade Parker and Emma Burdock. The three of them together were know as their schools sluts.

"And why would you say that?"Asked Lily

"From what we've heard you struck out so he's defiantly not here for you." Finished Rosy.

"Shut up, you 2 for 1 freaks. For your information he's my boyfriend he's here to pick me up." and with that her and her skank friends walked off.

I turned around to look at Matt again but he was gone. There was no one there.


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