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5 years ago

A nine-year-old Dick Grayson had just witnessed the murder of his parents.

He had screamed for his mom and dad as he pushed his way through the crowd surrounding the acrobats.

Commissioner Gordon had tried to spare him the sight of the mangled bodies but Dick refused to be kept away from the scene. He needed to see them.

The boy kneeled next to his mother, hugging her. He was getting blood on his clothes but he didn't care.

"Mami! Tati! Întoarce-te. Vă rog" he begged. (Mommy! Daddy! Come back. Please)

They didn't. Of course they didn't. They were dead. They would never come back. Deep inside Dick knew this, but he was in denial like any normal child would be. He didn't want to accept that his parents were gone forever.

After a while, Gordon gently placed a comforting hand on the boy's shoulder.

"The forensic scientists need to do their job. We should get out of their way" he explained softly.

Dick reluctantly let himself be led to a pile of crates in the corner. Away from the crime scene. Dick sat down on one of the crates and Gordon sat next to him. Gordon took a small box out of his pocket. He opened it and put a few of the colorful candies in his mouth. Dick was eying the commissioner, debating whether he would ask if he could have one or not. Gordon must've noticed because he held out the box to the boy.

"The green ones are the best," Gordon said.

Dick picked up one of the green ones and put it in his mouth. It tasted like apples.
"Thanks" Dick mumbled.

About an hour later a woman in fancy clothes came up to the two.

"Hello. My name is Cindy. I'm from child services. We have deemed it unfit for the child to continue living in the circus without his parents. Therefore we're putting him into the system. Unfortunately, all our orphanages are full so he will be temporarily put in the juvenile detention center" she said.

Dick didn't really understand what she meant but from what he'd gathered he knew he would be taken away from the circus.

"There aren't any foster homes either?" Gordon asked.

The lady shook her head.
"Not at this short notice. Maybe in a week or so" she explained.

She then turned to Dick.
"Could you go pack your things. We should get going".

Dick nodded and ran off to his trailer.

He took a quick look in the trailer and started putting the most important things into a bag laying on the floor. He packed his plushie named Peanut, his sketchbook, and his mother's necklace as a reminder of her. Lastly, he quickly changed into sweatpants and a hoodie, stuffing his suit in the bag. He threw on his shoes and swung the bag over his shoulders.

He was about to open the door to the trailer when he heard the lady call for him outside.

Truth to be told. Dick was never going to go with the lady in the first place. Now he had to find a way to escape without being noticed. He looked at the small window. That was his escape.

He opened the window and climbed out, making as little noise as possible. He almost thought he'd made it, he was already on the ground, when he lost his balance and stumbled into the wall of the trailer. There was a bang and the lady quickly made her way towards Dick.

"Richard? Is that you?"

Dick started running. He just hoped he was faster than the lady. He saw the high fence surrounding the area about twenty meters away. If he managed to get there he'd be fine. He knew that he could climb it and he doubted the lady could in her stilettos.

Dick reached the fence and started to climb.
He was already at the top when the lady got there.

"Richard, please come back! It's going to be okay. We're going to find you a good home, " the lady pleaded.

Dick almost felt bad for her. She didn't seem like a bad person. She was just doing her job.

Dick let his bag drop to the ground on the other side and proceeded to jump off of the fence, landing and rolling. He glanced at the lady on the other side before sprinting away. Far away.


Dick collapsed in an alley. He was wheezing from running for so long and his legs were burning. He leaned against the wall for support but it didn't help much as his legs gave up under him and he slid down the wall. He brought his knees to his chest and hugged them tightly. He could taste that metallic taste you get when you've been running really long.

As minutes passed his breathing slowly became more normal. He managed to somewhat relax, letting his shoulders fall and lean his head back against the wall.

Now that Dick had some time alone his mind started processing the night's events. Reality came crashing down and he started sobbing again.

'It's my fault' Dick though.
'I should've told them about Zucco. Maybe then they wouldn't be dead'.

He continued to cry, letting all the pain out. His sobs echoed in the alley and every so often he would have to cover his mouth when someone walked past.

He'd probably been sitting there for at least an hour when he heard laughter. Dick pressed against the wall, trying to blend in with the darkness. He clenched his jaw in an attempt to stop the sobs. He sat completely still as a green-haired man and a blonde woman walked past. The man had his arm around the woman's shoulder. Dick assumed they were a couple.

When the pair had disappeared from Dick's view he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

Suddenly the man stepped into the alley. Dick flinched and made himself as small as possible. The man crouched in front of Dick.

"Hey, kiddo. What're you doing out here all alone". The man asked.

Dick didn't answer. He was scared of the man. The makeup made him look creepy.

The man facepalmed when he realized the child was scared of him.

"Harley! Come here". He called.

The blonde woman appeared. She walked up to Dick and gently, maybe a bit awkwardly, patted his head.
"Hi, kid. My name is Harley. This is my boyfriend, Joker" she motioned to the man.

"We won't hurt you. We want to help you, but it would help if you talked to us. Can you do that for me?" Harley asked, smiling softly.

Dick nodded, trusting Harley's kind voice.

"Okay. So why are you here alone?" she asked.

"M-my parents. They..they're dead. A-and a woman wanted t-to take me away from th-the circus. S-so I ran" Dick explained.

Harley pulled Dick into a hug.
"I'm sorry about your parents," she said.

"Puddin. Can we keep him?" she suddenly asked.

Joker looked taken aback for a moment before grinning widely.
"That's a great idea! We need someone to carry out the legacy after all".

He then turned to Dick.

"What do you say, kid? You want us to be your new parents?" he asked, offering his hand to the boy.

Dick hesitated. He liked Harley but Joker still creeped him out. Though if Harley trusted him then he was okay, right? Besides. He had no one left. He couldn't go back to the circus, and if he stayed on the streets he wouldn't even last a day before he was found.

Dick glanced at Harley who was smiling encouragingly and feeling determined, he grabbed Joker's hand.

If only he had known the mess his life was going to be...

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