On the Run

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A month later, they travelled on through the forest. Every night since that fateful day when four men attempted to kill the group, they had been camping out in the woods, constantly moving around as staying in one place for too long always ended in disaster. But food and water were becoming less common, the woods only had so many critters and fresh lakes, while the group only had so many bullets left.

"Is this a good idea?" Max asked, looking on into the small town.

Nate looked on in the distance, watching as a few deadens that dotted the area slumped around. "We're going for it." He announced, sternly.

The sun was shining through the trees, making the whole situation seem much less sinister, although anyone could die at any moment. Max and Woody walked alongside Alice who was visibly internally questioning their next move.

"How's your leg today, Max?" Alice asked, realising that Max wasn't limping anymore.

He smiled as he answered. "Much better, I think it's starting to clear up."

Alice returned the smile. "Good, my bullet hole is just about painless now." She laughed at their misfortune.

They stepped out and onto the road, ready to follow it into the town, but first, the deadens were their biggest problem.

"Gahh!" One made a loud noise, approaching Nate as it attempted to bite him, he forced his knife into its face and then pulled it out again, its body falling to the floor.

Woody went for one on the left, tugging Max along with him, however, the deaden fell to the floor with a wooden spear through its head, it hit the ground and forced the spear through its head further.

This made Max and Woody turn around to face Joel who was smirking at them. "Too slow, my dude." He joked, stepping on the deaden's head as if it were a shovel, and pulled out the oak spear.

"Maybe next time, Woody." Max patted his dog as it wagged its tail with delight and let him off the lead to search around.

"This pharmacy is the best bet at a new plaster for your leg, Max," Nate informed him, peeking into the window, all he could see was darkness.

Max looked at the outside of the shop, it was a dark blue colour with the name 'Flint's Pharmacy' written above the door in big, white letters. Underneath it, "FREE prescriptions" was written in smaller letters.

This made Woody jump up to look through the window, his paws slipping down as he then jumped back.

"Huh, good job we don't need glasses or anything," Max exclaimed, studying the writing.

"Yeah, thank god for that," Alice replied, looking on the bright side of things.

Nate tried the door and to their luck, it was open. "Woody, c'mere!" Nate asked of him, but Woody was hesitant, he looked up at Max before doing so.

"Go on!" He excitedly ordered as Woody still somewhat refused to participate. "I'll do it." Max rolled his eyes, Woody following him to the front door of the shop as Nate moved out the way. Max opened it and let Woody in first.

Woody sniffed the air, his body didn't make the usual jerk that occurred whenever he sensed a deaden, which made Max enter right away. "C'mon, he'd be barking by now if he sensed deaden activity."

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