Chapter Part 15

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The platoon had been billeted in a hall near the church. The Captain briefed his troops in hushed tones about the discovery Sam had made.

"The informant referred to angel brides being held in a basement under the church. Whoever they are the man was very concerned about their welfare and asked us to rescue them. We need to investigate to see if there is anybody being held against their will." He paused for a moment and then added "And whether they are angels."

A ripple of laughter ran through the soldiers and then they settled down to make plans for the potential rescue. It was the middle of the night and the settlement appeared quiet but if the angel brides were locked in a basement they were probably being guarded. The inhabitants didn't appear to have guns but they would take every precaution when they went into the church.

They were all going into the building. There would be a large armed presence in case of trouble and they would be able to spread out and search the place more quickly. The Captain had decided against sending in a small contingent in case the place was well guarded. Sam would be on hand if any medical treatment was required and also to check over the angels. That was assuming that someone was in the basement being held by Simon.

There had been a lot of speculation about what they might find inside the church. Sam had explained that the informant had been very upset about the fate of the angels. They were however in the middle of a community of religious fanatics so who knew what he really meant. It could be the ravings of an unbalanced mind, but because someone else had mentioned the angels, Richie who they had met on the road, they had to look into it.

It was a strange situation in so many ways. The troops may be few in number but their weaponry made them a formidable force. They could just march into the church and no one would be able to stop them. The problem would arise if someone chose to resist. Sneaking into the church under cover of darkness may prevent a loss of life.

They moved stealthily the short distance to the church and entered. Two men were just inside the doorway and were easily overpowered. The soldiers fanned out and went through to the back where another man was posted outside a door. He had no hope of stopping the troops. He had however been a signpost to the entrance to the basement. None of the guards had a key so the door was smashed off of its hinges and as it gave way a bell sounded.

There was small bell hung just inside the door. The welfare of the angels was very important to Simon. He wanted complete control over them because they were integral to his future plans. No one had openly criticised his plans for the angels, they would have had a visit from the apostles if they had, but he was aware of a discomfort amongst some of his flock. He had been worried that someone might try to liberate them so he had set up a warning system.

Seconds after the two short rings of the small bell a new sound erupted. The church bells were now being rung and it was only a matter of time before the whole place was awake and heading to the church. The bell had been set up as a warning system to alert them if someone entered the basement. It had worked very well with the small sound triggering the ringing of the large bell. The Captain issued some hurried orders and three men rushed out of the building to carry out their special task whilst he and Sam descended into the basement.

Standing in the dark beside camp beds were two girls. They were dressed in long white robes and both the men stared at their unblemished faces and knew that they were face to face with their first immunes. Sam approached them slowly and asked if they were okay. The older girl peered past him and asked where Simon was.

"He's not here. We will take you away from here to somewhere safe if you want." The girls exchanged a look. A female soldier arrived and smiled at the girls. Her presence reassured them and they put on their shoes and grabbed their few possessions indicating that they were ready to go.

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