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warning- i've been typing donghyuck as donghyuk for four chapters  bc of auto correct, please understand :( sorry

Where it all started? Where it all connects?

Mark always remembered Donghyuck as the young boy who always smelt like strawberry jam and sunshine, the younger who always gave him a smile that reached the tips of his soul like the sun

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Mark always remembered Donghyuck as the young boy who always smelt like strawberry jam and sunshine, the younger who always gave him a smile that reached the tips of his soul like the sun. Even when Mark was made fun of, bullied and critcized, the young boy always stood infront of him as he protected him. And, somehow they always ended up laying down on the soft grass- their clothes disheveled- but laughs and smiles on their faces.


"Honey, did you hear about the new neighbors?" Mark's mom asked, she stood up holding up the jug of milk, reading its expiry date. Mark removes his head from his phone,

"No, who?" he asks and his mother just shrugs.

"How could you? Your dad and I were talking about them in dinner. Don't tell me you were daydreaming about your crush?" she suggests and Mark gives her a -Oh-mom-not-this-again- look.

"No way! Mom I told I don't have a crush on Yeuin anymore."

"Yeah, right."

"Eitherways, I'm baking cookies today so make sure you stop by to give it to them. You can go with Jen too," she beams and Mark just nods as his eyes travel back to his phone.



Mark stops infront of the new house, his hands clutching and un-clutching the the plastic box of cookies. Without wait, and while shrugging the useless nervousness off, he rang the door bell. He waited, hearing a chain of shouts, footsteps then the door opening.

The moment the door was open, his eyes widened in surprise. He saw a boy -probably younger than him or his age, it didn't really matter - with light brown hair and tan skin. He'd never - and when I say never I mean it - never forget those moles on the boy's face because they reminded him of constellations. Despite his surprise, he had to jump back to reality and stop staring.

"Hi, umm... I'm Lee Minhyung - you can call me Mark ... I'm your neighbor, I live there," he points at his house, the box shifting onto his other hand, "I brought cookies?" Mark hated his unsocial self that made him stutter between words, and he hated how his korean always lagged.

"Wait.." the boy stared at him with his wide eyes, "Are you Minhyung? Mark? Born in Canada and stuff?"


"OH MY GOD! I knew it was you. Mark this is me, Donghyuck, Hyuck you know? You remember?" Donghyuck was jumping on his feet, very excited.

"I do!" Mark replied, not to lie, he knew it was him the moment he met him.

"The world is a small place after all! Look at how you grew up!" Mark was surprised by how Donghyuck was acting, he was super comfortable as if they hadn't seen each other for a week only. It was as if the other disregarded the fact that they disappeared from each other's lives years ago. It made Mark curious, why did the younger move out without telling him? Once again, he shrugged such thoughts off.

"Yes, yes it really is." smiled Mark, he couldn't hide his happiness. He felt giddy, too giddy almost. And in no time, he felt himself wrapped around Donghyuck's arms as Donghyuck's same old laugh filled his ears. His laugh was still the same, it had the same force in it.

Yes, the world is a small place after all- he thought to himself.

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