Chapter 8 - Forgive or Forget?

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Chapter 8

(Mae's POV)

It's been 1 week since i've left the lads. I missed them so much, I felt like going back but I stopped myself before I could. Tomorrow is the band's last performance here in Washington, so I probably should go back... but I haven't thought everything through yet. I'm not sure if I should forgive Harry or....

I was packing all my stuff in my luggage. I called Brit this morning to tell her that I might be coming back this afternoon. She sounded happy, until I said might.

I went to the coffee shop to clear my mind. I ordered my usual 'Java Chip Frappucino with extra whipping cream' it helps me with everything. I took a seat at a booth and pulled out my iPhone.

Text Message from Louis

britney told me and the lads that you called her saying that your coming back this afternoon.. is it true?

Louis was almost like a brother to me, but lying to him was the only solution right now.

I text him back:

uuh, no...

I felt bad for doing this but apart of me actually wanted to keep the far-est distance away from everyone. The other part of me was missing Harry, his hugs, his kisses, his curly hair and his beautiful green eyes. Oh, how they could just give me butterflies in an instant.

My thoughts were rudely interupted by my phone.

Incoming call from Harry the very sexy Styles<3

I haven't change that name yet, I was planning to but I obviously forgot. I was going accept the call but I ignored it instead.

Don't get me wrong but I really wanted to answer it. But now wasn't the right time tobtalk to him.

(Harry's POV)

After the second ring it stopped, so I knew she was trying to avoid me.

Brit had told us that Mae might be coming back this evening. I was pretty excited but worried at the same time. I mean.... what if she won't talk to me? What if she doesn't forgive me. What if she doesn't even come back?! It was all Niall's fault! If he could've just shut his freaking mouth then I wouldn't be in this situation!

I probably won't even forgive myself if that happened to me! Who would like to be cheated on... I just wish I could re-do everything but unfortunately I couldn't.

(Louis' POV)

I was starting to worry, about Mae, about Harry, about everybody! When Mae left, Harry would never speak to any of us. He was especially mad at Niall, he told me that he would never ever speak to Niall again. Our band was already tearing apart over a girl. This was really disappointing.

It wasn't Niall's fault at all. If Harry hadn't fucked that girl at the party he wouldn't be in this mess!

(Mae's POV)

I drove back to the car rental place and called a taxi so I could head back to the hotel. I was feeling much better after going to the coffee shop, it soothed me. I told the taxi driver to wait so I could go grab my luggage. The taxi man helped me put my things in the trunk and I told him the address of the boys hotel.

We got there in ten minutes flat. It would usually take me 20 minutes if I drove there by myself. While I was in the back seat I asked the taxi driver if he could put the volume up higher, it was on some country song... the song I heard when me and Harry were going on our first date.. Amazed by Lonestar. I went to the front desk and asked for a hotel room. I was pretty sure, the hotel manager remembered me from before because she gave me a hotel room right beside Harry's.

I put my stuff away and took a long, warm shower. I wrapped my hair up into my towel to kind of dry faster. I got dressed. I chose to wear something kinda dressy. I wore a peach coloured lace trim top with black peep-toe heels. For my bottoms just put on some black high waisted shorts. (OUTFIT ON THE SIDE)

I unwrapped the towel off my hair. I blow dried the rest of my hair and put it in a fish tail sort of braid.

I left my room and knocked on Harry's door. He didn't answer the door so I tried knocking again. He finally answered the door.

He stayed there like a statue, in shock. I was going to tell him what i've been wanting to say ever since this morning.

"I love you Harry. I forgive you."


Ok, so its kinda a filler chapter. Sorry for the cliffhanger-ish. But at least Mae forgives him! sorry if this is short but its better than nothing! I know, i know im bad at these stories. LOL. i also don't proof read my stories so msg me if there's any mistakes! 

hmmm. 5 votes for the next chapter? you guys can do it! and don't forget to read my new story 'Love Me Once More' its a Zayn Malik fanfic!(: 

Love ya

-Jasmine xoxo

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