Chapter 1

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The heat sweltered down on the singing and busy grounds of Jhogwin city, merchants and townsfolk hustling in the square as they did every morning. Gaia Sisae was among them. One of the wealthiest of merchant wives she hurried to her store, well renowned and well loved. Giving smiles to those she passed by.

"Good morning, Maester Banavie." She waved to an elderly foreigner from Westeros.

"And to you, my child." He wheezed

"It'll be hot today, should I fetch you an extra barrel of wine?"

"How do you know these things?" He thanked.

"I just do." Gaia giggled with her raven strands of hair fluttering slightly. "I'll send it over later today." Strolling off further she came across a new mother and her new born girl, the father hammering onto a long piece of steel, the baby stirring difficult memories for her.

"Gaia, you were right, she did come early. Lucky I prepared as you instructed. Thank you." The woman sang rocking the baby to sleep.

"No thanks needed, Flora, as long as she's healthy. Have a good day." She grinned furthering down the dusty street to her overflowing store with queues well into the street. "Order yourselves single file." She instructed politely.

"Where's T'ann?" A man Called.

"My husband's still asleep I expect."

"You're too good for him." That same man flattered.

"I know." She grinned as she stood behind the counter taking orders. A few hours passed by with the minstrels in the streets filling the air with music and song, a rather odd looking man came second in the line. He was a huge man, towering above them as he waited, thick long brown hair tied behind him with a thick yet short beard on his chin, he certainly didn't look Essosi but then again neither did she.

"What can I do for you, Ser?" She questioned sweetly.

"I'd like a case of Meereenese red." The man answered in an accent she didn't notice, that she'd never heard before in all her years of work.

"What brings you here?" Gaia made conversation as she searched her stock behind the counter.

"I'm moving my family here, hopefully. Is the city secure?"

"I should think it is, though I've only lived here a few years myself. It has high walls but if you're moving then I'd suggest the east of the city, there's a large sewage tunnel on the west side that smells awful, goes right outside the city walls." Gaia pulled out a bronze barrel and placed it on the counter.

"Thank you, you've been a great help." The man saidas he lifted the barrel with immense ease before dropping a small bag of coins on the counter.

As the day drew on the heat only grew, Gaia dropping a barrel of white Astaporian wine off at the Maesters door before wandering home. Yet she was not greeted fondly. Her husband T'ann had been drinking, as he did every night, and stumbled to her sight as she closed the door behind her. Seeing him so drunk dropped her once great mood as she tried to stroll passed him, her basket of coin under her arm.

"Where do you think you're going?" He slurred grabbing her wrist.

"It's been a long day, I'm going to sleep." She gulped as he gripped tighter.

"Oh has it? 'It's been a long day' for you?"

"Yes, working all day is tiring." She snidely commented as he squeezed hard on her wrist.

"What's that supposed to mean, Woman?" T'ann gritted his yellowing teeth

"Nothing, I didn't mean anything by it now please let go." Gaia begged trying to pull away but he wouldn't loosen up.

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