Chapter 20

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Lachlan POV
I sit on my bed adding the final details to a sketch of Rowan. Mira is in the corner trying to start a fire in the area we walled off for the fire pit.

"Where is Carnelian?" I ask. I've gotten along with them very well so far. They're kind to me, and loyal to Rowan.

"He's at Harmonia explaining why we're always away," She says distractedly. I let my mind drift to my love, Rowan. How much I miss her, how much I want her. As my thoughts drift I hear loud footsteps and snap back into attention. Carnelian comes barging into the room. He's panting, out of breath.

"It's Rowan!" He yells. My eyebrows twist in confusion, but the rest of my body tenses, ready for action.

"What about her?" I ask hastily.

"She's back! She's in Harmonia!" She shouts. I want to jump up, run to her, kiss her...but something about Carnelian's tone makes my muscles tense even more.

"What happened to her?" Mira asks. She has known Carnelian for years, she can tell when he's worried better than me...and judging by the look on both of their faces, they're worried.

"She barely made it across. She's in terrible condition, she's lucky we found her might not be soon enough to save her," Carnelian says helplessly. My hear drops. I try to brace myself for the worst. I try to push all hope from my mind but...I can't live without her. Not after all that's happened this time.

"What do you mean she might not make it? We have good medicine here. What's wrong with her?" Mira says. I can see how fiercely she wants to protect Rowan.

"Rosalba told me not to tell anyone..." Carnelian says unsurely.

"Tell me why the hell they won't give my best friend the medicine she needs to stay alive!" Mira demands. Carnelian looks at me, then looks back at Mira.

"Rowan wouldn't want me to say it...especially not to Lachlan," He says. For a terrible second I think that she's dead.

"What the hell is going on?" I ask and I'm ashamed that my voice breaks. Carnelian breathes out.

"I'm sorry, Lachlan. I know it's hard but you have to trust me, I can't tell you what's going on. Rosalba, the Elders, and I are the only ones who know," He tells me. For a second I flinch, and I'm ready to attack him, punch him, strangle him, until he tells me what's wrong with her. But something in my mind tells me to stop. "I'll tell you everything if anything happens to her."

"Don't even speak of that!" I yell. I can't imagine a world without her. Carnelian nods at me respectfully, showing me he understands.

"When can I see her?" I ask.

"She isn't at the Elders Hall anymore. She's staying at Rosalba's, they just discharged her. She's still asleep. I'm sure we could sneak you in tonight," He says. I hold back a sigh of relief.

"It's almost sundown," Mira says resolutely. "We'll leave at midnight. Everyone should be in bed by then."
We stay hidden by the thick brush of the tree line. I try to keep my heavy breathes silent as my anticipation rises.

"I think the coast is clear," Carnelian says coming back to get Mira and I. Carnelian and Mira walk hand in hand, acting natural.

"Pretend like you belong here," Mira whispers to me. We walk up to one of the clear spheres in the trees and meet Rosalba in the sitting quarters. When she sees me she looks me up and down, her lips pursed into a tight line. Finally after a tense moment she raises her eyebrows, tilts her head, and makes a small, "Hmm," sound that makes me realize I'm not entirely welcome. Ungainly, I walk up the stairs  to the third floor. When I reach the third floor I see Rowan laying motionless on a mattress. I exhale. Without thinking about Mira's judgment, or Rosalba's approval, I kneel beside Rowan, grasping her hand.

"Rowan?" I whisper. She doesn't wake or whisper back. I lean in and kiss her pale cheek.
"When will she wake?"

"Soon...maybe not ever," Rosalba says holding back a sob. I cringe at the thought of Rowan not waking up. "And it's your fault."

"I'm sorry. I never thought Rowan would follow me...she was suppose to think I was dead," I say keeping my back facing away from them so they don't see the tear that rolls down my cheek.

"That isn't what I'm talking about," Rosalba snaps. "I can understand that. I don't blame you for so coming here. You're the reason we can't give her proper medicine!"

"What are you talking about?" I ask trying to keep the disdain out of my voice. This is Rowan's mom you're talking to. Rosalba takes a deep breath then looks at me gently.

"We can't give Rowan medicine because..." Rosalba looks at Rowan, her eyebrows twist into knots. "She would want to tell you herself..." She trails off.

"Tell me what's wrong with her. Please," I beg. Rosalba presses her lips together, forming a thin line.

"She's pregnant," Rosalba says. My heart drops and I take a shaky breath. I'm terrified but something deep inside me rejoices.

"What?" I ask, out of breath. Rosalba says nothing.

Slowly, I take my shaking hand and press it to Rowan's stomach.

Lachlan and Rowan: LostWhere stories live. Discover now