Chapter 19__ My Lovely Girlfriend.

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" I play by everybody's rules that don't seem right to me. I'm cool and polite, on the outside, but when I get the chance, I run and I hide, if you eyes are closed—ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I screamed when I turned around and found Reece in my room. I removed my headphones and put them around my neck while dropping my hairbrush that I used as a microphone."You have got to stop doing that."

"Kitty. You were practically screaming and disturbing the whole neighborhood. How many times do I have to tell you not to sing huh?" He asked falling on my bed.

"Hey" I said defensively. "My singing is wonderful" I sang the last part but choked at the end. He just started laughing.

"Yeah. Right." He said and sat up on my bed. "You were even singing a Barbie song. Aren't you like.. 17? Too old to be watching that. Why do you even have a Barbie song downloaded on your phone? Seriously, that's not weird at all." He muttered the last part sarcastically.

"Hey!!. Barbie is good. Just those queen bitches that misused the name and all. Her song made a lot of sense so I downloaded it. Seriously, what's the big deal? How did you even know it was a Barbie song?" I asked the last part with a smirk.

The tip of his ears turned pink and he coughed awkwardly. As if admitting he watched Barbie will hurt his ego. "Just that, I have never heard the song from real artists." He said in defense.

"Then how did you know it was specifically from Barbie. It could have been from Aladdin, or Moana or some other cartoon but you knew the exact one." I said and tried to hold back my laugter.

He looked like a boy who was called in class to answer a question and was furiously searching his brain for the answer.

"Riley forced me to watch it. Okay?" He admitted in frustration.

"Aww. But watching it just once won't exactly make you know the lyrics." I said trying to get more info.

"Sheesh. She made me watch it a couple of times in return for something." He said and ran his hands through his hair in frustration."

"You could have just zoned out through the whole movie but you watched it which means you enjoyed it didn't you?" I smirked.

"could you freaking leave that alone?"

I laughed. "Okay. Okay."

He sighed and laid back down on my bed.

"Uhmm. What are you doing?" I asked.

"I need to stay here and keep you from singing. You wouldn't let me sleep peacefully in my room. Your bed and all your pillows are so soft though. How do you manage?" He asked and I face palmed.

"Dylan." I yelled. "There is an intruder in my room."

"Reece. Good job in keeping her from singing." Dylan yelled back and my jaw dropped. "Continue doing what you are doing."

Reece smiled smugly at me. "Will do." He yelled back at my brother.

I am not staying here any longer with these two idiots. Even if the idiots are my brother and crush.

I grabbed my jacket and made my way out of the room. "I am going for a walk." I yelled simply and put my headphones back on making my way out of the house. I started humming to the tune playing and trying not to sing. Such a happy day.

My gaze got down to the ground and I saw a shadow that wasn't mine. My Karate instincts quickly coming back, I put my hands in a swinging position and used my leg to turn back, effectively giving the person behind me a side kick.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2018 ⏰

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