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"Joshua, move out she isn't gonna make it!"

The sound of a rushed voice banged through Joshua's ears as he carried the nearly dead girl in his arms. Gunfire heavy behind him as he ran as fast as his legs could carry him, shielding the small girl in his arms.

His squad members pulled him under the barrier along with her. Loud bangs, vigorous vibrations, and clouds of dust were all that could be heard and seen. All the men were quaking in fear as the heavy mix of steps were not far behind.

The raven-haired male, out of many, looked out behind the small wall to see many armed soldiers running towards them. His breath hitched and he quickly stood, shouting at his squad to move.

The men just remained, eyes wide as gunfire grazed the background of their ringleader. His brows knitted before pulling the men up and yelling at them to snap out of it. Most of them nodded while others still had the shocked expression, Joshua ran the other way with the frail and practically lifeless body in his arms.

A smile rose to his face when he saw their vehicle in the distance. He was about to turn back and watch for enemies, but a large gust of wind along with a loud blast impacted his body as he flung from the ground into the air.

Joshua clung to the girl, keeping her head in the crook of his neck as they soon made contact with the ground. A painful burst spread through his leg as he fell hard. With shaky hands he checked for her pulse, sighing in relief as her pulse was faint but still there.

"Let her go or we'll shoot!" A cold voice snapped out of the blue. He looked up to see multiple shadows over him, he growled quietly and kept the girl tucked in his arms. "I-I know what you bastards do! Not a chance- AH!"

Shots of pain regulated through his legs and arms as shots were fired into his body. He let out a yelp of pain but his eyes still remained stoic, he looked up at them and kept his gaze.

"You asked for it." One said pointing the gun to his head. Joshua squeezed his eyes shut and waited for the pain.

But it never came.


"Joshua! Wake up its just a dream!" He heard faint voices in his head.

Suddenly his eyes opened, and he was greeted with the worried looks of his five members.

"Hyung, did it happen again?" The makane, Jaemin, asked with a worried tone and expression. The eldest, Kimbin, shushed him and mumbled under his breath.

Joshua sat up but groaned loudly when a migraine hit him, hard. He instantly laid back down and squeezed his eyes shut.

It was the third time this month that things like this had happened. His PTSD had worsened by the week, it was only a matter of time until the scars dug deeper. Everyone in his group, Mako, even the managers tried their best to get him help.

But every time, Joshua denied and put on a sickly sweet smile that hid his pain, every time.

"I'm not having any more nightmares." Every night

"We can shoot fireworks its fine." Make it stop

"Its okay if you drop that, it's not like its that bad anyways." It's worse

They had made Joshua step down as leader after the war, because of how emotionally scared he was. He didn't show it as much before, but now rumors about his personality change are starting to divide the fandom. And he always says the same thing,

"Don't tell them! Our fans don't need to worry about pointless things anyway."

"Shhh, relax Hyung slowly sit up." A familiar soft voice spoke out to him, cold fingertips massaged his stiff muscles as he slowly sat up.

"Thanks, Mason," Joshua mumbled out in his native Australian accent. To which the younger male shook his head and started rambling about him taking his medication.

Later after that, Mason and their tenner, Hyunwoo, stayed and helped Joshua the rest of the afternoon.

"Enough is enough Joshua, you need mental help and your disorder is getting worse." His leader Eunhyuk, spoke in a stern tone as he shoved migraine soup into his mouth before he protested.

Joshua's shoulders slumped and a single tear rippled down his cheek, Eunhyuk sighed and wiped it away. "Hyung," he started, voice breaking ever so slightly.

"We can't help you if you keep on ignoring us... please let us help your stubborn self before it's too late."

Eunhyuk emphasized the last words and Joshua nodded, sulking in silence for having his members worry so much. The night ended with the two sharing the bed as they slept peacefully.

This is my first official published book that im gonna keep up... please give me your comments on my writing so I can improve

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