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Edited; 11/9

Mornings at 'Lee's Health Care' always started early. It was around six am when the two brothers got in the elders Tesla.

A small bing! was heard, seeing as this was the latest model of smart car, the younger guy. In the passenger seat clicked it and read it before raising a brow and scoffing softly.

"What is it Donghyuck?" The elder asked while maneuvering the car with a sharp turn. The dyed orange haired then responded lazily. "The newest transformer came out in Japan today." Donghyuk looked at his elder brother, Mark, to see his reaction.

Mark, had just nodded. Keeping his eyes on the road, most likely half paying attention because the risk of having an accident was the only thing on his mind.

After they had arrived at the clinic their second cousin, Taeyong, who had also been working at the clinic was already there with his lean, black speed machine. Most likely texting his boyfriend, Ten.

Mark cleared his throat whilst staring at the elder male. "Oh, hey Mark." He chimed before walking in with the other two to open up the clinic for the day.

As soon as the other doctors and employees arrived, they all had a big meeting around seven about daily appointments and plans. Marks parents ran the place, so they gave out the assigned appointments and whatnot.

"...Donghyuk is going to be with Miss Kim. Johnny and Doyoung with Mr. Jae. Taeyong and Jeno with the twins. And Mark, you're going to be with our newest patient, Joshua." The Lee's handed everyone their clipboards and they all fled out to their rooms to prepare further.

Marks parents had held him back for a talk, this being normal when new patients were entered.

"He's a what!?" Mark nearly screamed after they had explained.

Miss Lee smacked his shoulder and shushed him. Mark kept his mouth shut as his father explained the situation.

"He is Joshua Choi, the star idol that everyone knows about. What everyone doesn't know is that he has a high risk of insanity due to how deep his mental scars are, we know your young Mark but you're our best psychiatrist we have here-"

"Dad, you know I've only been here for a year! My psychology degree hasn't been actually used properly yet!" He rambled, his mother put her hand on his shoulder.

"Breath son, you can do this." She gave him a genuine smile, which calmed him down for the most part.

"A-Alright, but what time is his appointment?" He stammered out slightly, shaking his nerves off after.
"Eight-thirty, you have a little over an hour to prepare. Do your best Minyoung." His father spoke in an encouraging tone. Which gave Mark a sense of stability before nodding once more, then left to prepare his room for the new patient.

"Alright, Joshua this is the place." His manager stopped the car in front of the teal blue building that had black and white detailed streaks along the sides that outlined the door. On the top, in beautiful cursive writing, was a sign that said 'Lee's Health Care'.

Joshua adjusted his mask, he stared down the place as if it were going to eat him. "I-I don't think I can do this! Let's just go back to the dorms." He whispered out, trying his best to keep calm on the outside but on the inside, he was a panicking mess.

"Aish you waste my time boy, first you do everything you can to make sure were late, now you whine about getting some mental help? No! Get out, I'll be with you shortly." Joshua's brows knitted as he felt the harmful, yet painfully truthful, words being tacked on him like a pin. He got out and with slow steps, he walked towards the fogged up the glass door.

He took a deep breath and shook his head, threatening to slap himself probably. Joshua opened the door and was hit with a cozy smell of warm cinnamon and sugar. The raven-haired male walked in and found himself a place to sit, checking his phone to see that it was fifteen minutes till.

Joshua just sat there for a few minutes, upon his manager's entrance he waved slightly and uncovered his mask, but that was about it.

"Joshua, Joshua Choi." A soft voice called out from the front desk.

Manager ushered him up on his legs. Joshua stood and glanced at the front desk. He nervously gulped and rushed over, trying not to look nervous to the small woman in the wheeled seat. She stood and opened the door beside her cubicle. He looked behind to see his manager but the man had already left.

"Freaking bastard." He mumbled out under his breath as he walked alongside the short woman beside him.

The hallway was long with doors every few feet. Rather than charts and computers, they had photos and inspirational quotes, most likely for the patients.

The nurse stopped at door 127 and unlocked it. A fresh scent of fresh fruits whiplashed out the room and filled his nostrils, Joshua walked in and the setting was very homey.

Two comfortable looking chairs were seated around an oak table that sat in the far right, while a bowl of snacks and fruits dwelled on the table. To the left was a decoration basket, similar to a laundry basket, with blankets and pillows inside. The basket was beside a black and white sectional that had even more pillows and a spare blanket.

Cheesy. Joshua thought with a small grin, he shut the door behind and sat at the table. Sneaking a few grapes and popping them into his mouth that is, after removing his mask. The grapes' skin was tight and a small pop was heard when he bit into the small fruit. Sensations of sweet and tart flooded his taste buds every time he bit off the grapes.

A soft knock at the door was heard, Joshua let out a 'come in'.

A rather small red-haired male entered the room, he wore a black dress shirt and black work pants. His hair was neat but at the same time sticking out, topp8ng it all off he wore a clean lab coat with a pen behind his ear. He wore a small smile, along with beady black eyes that turned honey when the sun shone through them.

"Hello Joshua in Dr. Mark Lee, but you can just call my mark." He introduced himself as he sat down in the opposite chair, taking off his coat and hanging it on the chair.

Joshua looked at him the whole time, from when he walked into when he sat down. He was still silently chewing on the sweet fruit in his mouth, he hummed and gulped it down.

"So, do you know why you've come here today?" Joshua nodded and was quick to respond. "Yeah, um, my friends along with my manager were concerned about my problem but it's not all that bad really I don't even know why I'm here anyway-"

"You talk and cry in your sleep," he started eyes down to the paper, glancing up at him. "You scream when something resembles a grenade or gun. And you grab your own gun from wherever and you panic when it's not even there. Your right when you say it isn't that bad," Joshua didn't respond, he just fiddled with his fingers under the tablet, squeezing his thumb as if it were a trigger.

"It's worse." Mark finished, his stare daunting into the depths of the elder males mind. As if it were finding each nerve and memory, making it into that horror movie you're too scared to see.

The raven-haired male felt chills go down his spine at the stern tone the psychiatrist was using. But he just kept his eyes on the mans opposite to him. Uncomfortable, piercing tension suffocating him from the inside out.

"But," he began. "treatment starts today so c'mon, let me get to know you before we start going into all that weird psychological crap."

This two-faced mother-!

"Sure, I guess." He moved his chair out from under the table and sat down on the sectional kicking his legs up on the cushions. Mark sat down on the opposite end, with a clipboard and a piece of scrap paper you see an elementary kid use.

He looked at Joshua and pursed his lips. Joshua licked his lips and shifted in his seat slightly. "Go ahead, move at your own pace. I'm only here to help remember that." Mark gave him a small, yet sincere smile. Joshua nodded and cleared his throat.

"I am Joshua Choi, I'm an army veteran, and a kpop idol..."

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