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"Mhm, I know that. Tell me more." Mark said, jotting down a few notes before glancing back up at the raven haired male. Who leaned his head back and let out a semi-long sigh. It had been about two hours since they had both started talking, it was merely simple questions like, what did he normally each when out a of a diet, or if he prefers dancing over singing.

"Well, I am a pretty good swimmer. I was top of my class when it came to that activity." He ran a hand through his hair and brushed away the stray hairs the clouded his eyesight.

"Now Joshua, I have some questions of my own. They aren't really that detailed, I just wanna know." Mark explained in a witty tone. Josh nodded and adjusted in his position, before getting comfortable with the star spangled banner pose.

The younger let out a small chuckle, the elder males behavior slightly amusing but let's face it, everything was funny to him.

"What year did you start training for the armed forces?" Joshua's brows furrowed, he quickly clicked his tongue and answered. Once Mark heard his answer he jotted down some stuff and then returned his gaze, along with yet another question.

"When did you start having PTSD symptoms?" Mark asked, panicking and cringing on the inside but keeping his composure. Clenching his pen in hopes that it would change something of the future.

"The symptoms started since day three, our first bomb attack." He spoke out quietly, but enough for Mark to hear. "I was in my tent, writing whatever it was I was writing then I heard screams..."
Joshua opened his mouth but nothing seemed to come out, the lump in his throat constantly grew and he couldn't seem to swallow it.

"Hey, its okay if you don't want to answer right away, after all, this is your first lesson." Joshua relaxed and slowly nodded.

"I don't know if your schedule allows you, but it likes to get a weekend appointment. I'm free Sunday, but that's only if you have the time."

The elder male thought for a moment. "I have a half day Sunday, maybe twelve?" Mark hummed, which sounded like an agreeable sound. "Twelve it is. I'll see you then Mr. Choi." Mark got up and took his lab coat off the nearby chair before walking out of the room.

Joshua then left the room, after taking a few small fruits and a orange, and speed-dialed his manager to c9me and pick him up.

Joshua put his mask on before going out into the waiting room for his manager. Oh right, he was in a waiting room, literally. The short man came in a short amount of time, he was by the glass doors at the front. The raven-haired male stood and put on his coat as he made his way to the doors.

They arrived back at the dorms to see all his members in the kitchen eating lunch. The raven-haired male went to his shared room with one of the other members. He exited the room with Jaemin patted the seat on the sofa next to him and handed him a bowl of rice. Joshua gladly took the bowl, nibbling on the small grains that stuck to his lips.

"So, "Mason's deep voice broke the weirdly thin silence life a butter knife to gelatin. "Do you think you can regulate appointments and your job at the same time?" Even though it was many octaves lower, it pierced through Joshua's mind. A raging battle on that his next words were gonna began to cause a slight migraine.

"It was... eventful." He answered after some time, now noticing everyone staring at him as of he had some sort of large bruise on his eyeball.

"Did he touch you?" Jaemin asked while staring at him, a threatening stare made its way to Joshua's from the youngest of the room.

Makanes protect their-

"Yeah. But nothing really weird or something like that." He replied bluntly while chewing on some of his remaining rice in his bowl.

"Still, just wanna know hyung." He grunted out the last part.

Everyone knew the two had a special bond. Jaemin was always protective over Josh, and if anyone insulted him he would roast them with the burning flames of hell. And Josh helped out the makane when he had questions about school or maybe just merely to have someone listen to him.
The two had been friends since their first trainee days. They went to rivalry schools but only saw each other rarely, if at all, for a year.

"We all have to get rest, we have a flight for vogue headquarters since they want us in America. We're still going to resume writing and practicing, just in another country. Got it?" Eunhyuk spoke out in his businesslike, leader tone.

The boys agreed.

Once they had all finished their meals, Mason and Hyunwoo washed dishes while Jaemin, Joshua, Eunhyuk, and Mason went to their rooms.

Joshua nuzzled into the soft surface of his blankets. Blowing a piece of hair out of his face as he rolled into a burrito to sleep in. Pulling one arm out, he grabbed his phone and looked over next weeks busy schedule.

Dance practices, recording sessions, interviews, blah blah blah. It's was so packed together as well, it didn't look like sleep was an option either-

Take your time, use your own pace

He remembered Marks words all of a sudden, he just shook his head thinking it was the drowsiness getting to him.

He grabbed his phone charger and plugged it in. Once the green flash brightened the small space, he rolled the other way and closed his eyes. It took a while, but before he knew it, he was falling into the beautiful peacefulness of calm slumber.

Well, darn thanks for thirty-nine reads...

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