Will Distractions Work?

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Jack stepped forward to touch the bruises only to be stopped with Mac's hiss of pain, "Now, those are not from bumping into a table and definitely not from falling. You tell me right now what happened, or I will go door to door interrogatin' people. So, what is it going to be?"

Mac sighed. This was not going to be fun.

Mac thought of all the possible reasons he could have gotten bruised. One that made sense, but that wasn't too simple or complicated. He also couldn't incriminate anyone specifically, even if it was an enemy. He had the perfect excuse.

"Sorry, Jack. I didn't want to tell you," Mac paused, wanting to get every detail correct, "Do you remember when we were under attack when we went to that village last week?"

Jack stepped forward after Mac spoke, wanting to get every single detail he could possibly get, "Kid, stop leaving out details! What village was it, kid?"

Mac felt the blood on his scalp, which the doctors hadn't seen yet. He could touch his head, pull his hand away, then accidentally show the doctor and Jack the blood that would be on his hand. He didn't like doctors taking care of him, but it was better than lying to Jack.

So, he went with it. Mac went to ruffle his hair, as if it was frustration, but then pulled it away and "tried" to hide the blood. The doctor saw it- yes!- and gave a surprised look.

The doctor stepped forward to look at his head, but Mac pulled back, "Angus MacGyver, let me see your wound that you obviously didn't tell us about. Now."

Jack gave the same surprised then angry look like the doctor. This caused Mac to let the doctor in his space and check his head. He put his fingers exactly right next to the wound and Mac let out a hiss of pain. The doctor kept on going, ignoring his pain, probably because of Mac not letting him see it in the first place.

The doctor finally responded, "Are you sure you don't feel dizzy, nauseous, or confusion? This looks pretty bad back here, do you know what you were hit with?"

Yes. It is working, Mac thought.

"Yes and no. I feel fine and I passed out right when I got hit. Can I have my shirt? It is getting really cold in here," Mac said, trying to fight to stop the shivering.

Jack stepped forward, really worried now, "Mac, it is 87℉ in this room, are you okay?"

Jack suddenly noticed that Mac was cold and shivering. He gave back Mac's shirt and his uniform. He was still cold in an 87 degree room. Something was definitely wrong.

"Rodriguez?" Jack started to say more, but then Mac fell down into Jack's arms before he could hit the floor.

They immediately started to get Mac into a vehicle, pulse strong and steady, surprisingly. What they didn't know was that the head injury had been worse than they expected. When Rodriguez, Jack, and Mac got to the base, they treated his head wound and got strong medicine for him. They just had to wait for now, with Jack by his side the whole time.

1 Week Later

It had been a week and Mac was ready to go out in the field. Jack would administer his medicine- thankfully not Carter, since they were all now in a unit together with him- and make sure he was okay. The week had not been pleasant. Carter had stole his medicine when Jack wasn't looking, not allowing Mac to heal, and sometimes hurting him more than he already was.

Right now, Mac and Jack were getting ready for the next mission. Mac had a bomb ready so they could put it in an enemy's main camp. It wouldn't be that hard. Jack kept on glancing at his partner to make sure he was definitely okay for said mission. But, he was as ready as he could be, because of his state.

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