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*all rights to the original author*

I went home and my mother knew something was up the minute I walked in the door. She was so shocked to see me in such a happy mood that she suckered me into dishing the dirt over mani-pedis the way we used to before my accident.

It was the best day ever, and I didn’t think anything could spoil it until Celine Polenghi knocked on our door while my mom and I were making dinner. Since I knew Lauren had to work after practice, I let Mom get it. When I heard Celine ask my mom if I was home, I was so stunned that I accidentally knocked the potatoes off the counter. Of course I caught them before they hit the ground, but still, surprised doesn’t even begin to cover it. I wasn’t the only one who was shocked either. My mom staggered back into the kitchen and seemed to have trouble getting the words out that someone was there to see me.

I figured that after today, with Lauren and I officially a couple in the public’s eye, Celine had finally had enough and she’d come to kill me. I listened for the angry mob, but it was just her. My mother had invited her in, but Celine said she couldn’t stay. When I found her she was still standing on the front porch, looking as if she were afraid my house would come to life and swallow her whole.

"Look," I said, not giving her a chance to say anything, "you hate me, and that’s fine. I deserve to be hated. And I know I’m the worst person in the world for Lauren, okay? But you’re wrong about me. I don’t want her ruining her life over me any more than you do. You have no idea how many times I’ve tried to tell her to get lost. I even tried to tell her to go out with you instead. I’ve done everything I can, but she just won’t listen, and I’m tired of fighting her, so just lay off me." I think she was a little surprised by my speech, and she looked absolutely terrified to be confronting me, but after a minute she started to relax. "I know," she said, and shrugged matter-of-factly. "It’s not your fault."

I was so shocked I could barely understand the words coming out of Celine’s mouth. She cracked a smile and said, "When Lauren decides she wants something, she gets it. You never had a chance." I still had no idea what to say or do. I didn’t think to let her in or tell her to go away, I just sort of stood there until it got awkwardly quiet. Celine was the first to speak. "I’m sorry about the other day. I shouldn’t have said all those things."

The apology was even more surprising still, and I wanted to say something nice in return, but I was speechless.

"Lauren’s been my best friend for practically my whole life," Celine said when I didn’t respond. "I was just worried about her, but I’ve never seen her as happy as she looked today." She paused for a minute and then said, "Anyway, I just wanted to say I’m sorry. I’m glad she’s finally found someone." All I could do was force a bewildered smile. "Thanks."

"Yeah," she said, and then turned to leave.

"Hey, Celine? For the record, when Zayn punched Lauren and got them both suspended, they weren’t fighting about me. Lauren’s really worried about you." I was able to smile for real this time when she turned around, and I wasn’t all that surprised when her eyes glossed over. She stood there for a minute wiping at her eyes, and then took a deep breath.

"How did you know?" she asked. "About Zayn, I mean. The other day you said you know what really happened."

"I know the signs." I sighed and sat down on the front steps. "I told you we have more in common than you think."

Celine’s eyes got really big as my meaning sank in. It took her a minute to work up the courage, but eventually she smiled. "You want to go to the mall?" she asked. "I could really use a smoothie and some new shoes right about now."

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