Chapter 1

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Ellie opened her eyes slowly waking up from the sedatives David used on her. She looked around to realise that now she was on the other side of the fence, now cuffed by both arms and legs to the counter used by James to effortlessly tear the limbs off a body and started to panic and struggle against the chains, fearing she would be next,

"Morning kid, you sleep well?" David asked sarcastically walking through, wheeling through a cart of tools and leaving them next to where Ellie was restrained,

"Did you decide to cut me up into tiny pieces after all?" Ellie responded snidely,

"No, no, I'm not gonna kill you." He murmured as he examined Ellie's head for wounds from her struggle before unzipping her jacket and uncovering an area allowing him to get at her neck, he then reached for a syringe full of pain killers which he proceeded to put into Ellies neck, working more gently then he did with the sedative, then slowly and cautiously emptied it's contents into her neck before he put the needle back with his selection of tools,

"W-What are you doing?" Ellie asked both in fear and confusion,

"I'm just making what I'm about to do just that little bit more bearable, so you don't flinch and maybe kill yourself." He said only confusing her more before he took a scalpel and both carefully and delicately wrote 'David's girl' into the left side of her neck and the hunter symbol on the other side. Despite the painkillers, Ellie still wailed out in pain from David's carvings yet found herself unable to move, her entire mind focusing on nothing but the suffering she was going through giving David the chance to undo Ellie's cuffs and prop her up with his jacket before covering Ellie's new markings in bandages and carrying her back to her cell making Ellie glance at him in confusion,

"W-Why are you doing this to me?" Ellies voice whimpered in pain yet confused as David finished bandaging the scars he had just cut into her neck, she received no answer as David instead walked out of the building, Locking the door to a store room he had to walk through but giving her the ability to move about outside of her cage instead of being confined to just her pen.

It took a while before the pain started to die down enough for her mind to finally focus on something else as she looked around the room before getting up and walking towards a window but, to her dismay she found it to be locked,

"Of course it's locked, couldn't just make things easy for me could you, psycho." Ellie mumbled in annoyance, she wasn't even graced with David's selection of tools as he'd taken them through to the store room he went through to leave. Elie went back through to her cell and lay down on the mattress she had been given in defeat, hoping the pain would soon end.

Ellie couldn't tell how long it had been since David walked out, but the sun was now setting over the horizon after being left by David at some point in the early hours of the morning, when her blank thoughts, mostly centred around Joel, were interrupted by the sound of a door opening and closing followed by footsteps in the store room before the door opened and David walked back in carrying a bag over his shoulder,

"How are you feeling now?" David asked with a tone of concern in his voice which caught Ellie off guard for her to choose simply not to answer him as he walked over to her and lifted Ellie so she was stood up before helping support her as he led her over to the counter and lay her down, strangely choosing against restraining her as before however Ellie was too weak to put up a fight and try to escape again.

David slowly started to unwrap the blood drenched bandages around Ellie's neck before tossing them aside and reaching into the bag for a hand held mirror,

"Not bad, not bad at all." He said admiring his handy work himself before holding the mirror up for Ellie to see making her panic, "Look Ellie, You're one of ours now, You deserve more than that crazy old man, you can have more, I know somewhere deep in side that I can reason with you, bring you around, this is the first step." He said as he showed Ellie her new scars,

"No, no please be a dream." Ellie whimpered on the verge of tears as she traced her fingers over the scars, the more she felt of them the more she realised they truly were there making her completely breakdown crying, sounding beyond defeated.

"Shh, it's okay." He said in a soothing tone as he put the mirror down, Ellie failing to notice his change in voice.

A few minutes passed with Ellie sat on the counter crying before she finally brought herself to stop, David reached into the bag and pulled out a new pair of jeans, a green vest brandishing the old US army star in a ring across the chest and a grey hoodie for Ellie to change into instead of staying in the clothes she'd had since the mill, yet Ellie still just sat there, it was another minute before David decided to take Ellies coat off of her, with her letting David move her arms as he needed without the slightest bit of resistance from the defeat girl, before doing the same with her hoodie before he saw her arm and looked at it in horror,

"How the hell haven't you turned yet? It can't be real." He gasped in disbelief at the sight before him,

"Please, just shoot me." Ellie whimpered although upon David's inspection noticed she clearly had no other signs of infection which are normally visible after only a few hours after infection,

"I'm gonna leave you be to get changed, I'll check up on you in a bit, this is like nothing I've ever seen before he said as he picked up Ellies new clothes and took them through to her cell before helping Ellie back through into the cell and locking her in again, "See you in a bit kid." He said as he proceeded to turn the lights in the room on dimly and walk out, locking both the store room and the front door behind him as he walked off into the night.

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