Chapter 2

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The next morning, Ellie lay fast asleep in her cell as David walked in, accompanied by a woman wearing a white arm band with a red cross printed on it, David proceeded to let the doctor into Ellie's cage, shutting the door behind them, she proceeded to gently move Ellie's arm to an angle where she could she the bite without waking her,

"Jesus Christ, this is new." The doctor murmured to herself looking at the bite after having rolled up the sleeve of Ellie's new hoodie David gave her, causing her to stir slightly, slowly opening her eyes to see what was happening but becoming suddenly alert and panicked when she sees the doctor handling her arm with David also in a cage with her,

"What the fuck are you doing to me?!" she shouted in a panic as she backed up against the wall, over whelmed by fear,

"Ellie, Ellie calm down, it's alright, she's a doctor, she's checking on you." David explained trying to diffuse the situation as the doctor raised her hands, trying to show herself as not a threat,

"Look, I'm infected, just kill me, I can't go back any more." Ellie begged as she threw off the hoodie David had given her, fully exposing her bite as she wore just the vest with no cover over on her arms,

"No, she's not, she's got no symptoms other than a bite, she would have got bloodshot eyes a few hours after, never mind the wound seemingly healed over at least a few days ago." The doctor responded as she looked Ellie over, David began approaching Ellie slowly with her having no where to go, already backed up into the corner until he was right in front of her and put a hand on the back of her head,

"You're even more special then I thought Ellie, surviving a bite like that." He said putting on a soft tone for Ellie to punch him in the stomach and grab his gun before holding the two at gun point and shuffling towards the door,

"Damn it Ellie, I'm trying to help you here." David moaned as Ellie tried to open the gate only to find it locked, he then used Ellie being distracted by the gate as his chance to run up on Ellie, she turned to face towards him and faced the barrel of the pistol at David but it didn't stop him, so she tugged back at the trigger. To Ellie's horror instead of a shot Ellie heard the one sound she didn't want to hear, the click of an empty chamber, his gun had been empty, he knew she would try it, David pushed Ellie to the ground, tossing the gun aside as he threw the doctor the key to get out, returning just a few seconds later with 2 pairs of handcuffs which she put around Ellie's wrists and ankles, David then picked Ellie up and dragged her out of the cell and cuffed her to the counter,

"I'm sorry about this in advance, it'll be worth it in the end Ellie." David said coldly as he re-holstered his pistol and walked out before walking out and coming back with the cart of tools from when he claimed Ellie through scars.

David proceeded to put a rag over her face, tilt her head back, and pour a Jerry can of water over her with no intentions other than changing his methods of 'bringing Ellie around' from persuasion to breaking her and molding her into what he wanted from her.

Most of the day passed with David waterboarding Ellie, giving her brief intervals to catch her breath every few minutes, before he finished up for the day, before David decided that he'd done enough to her for a day after the doctor's prompt,

"P-please, no more." Ellie struggled to beg weakly,

"Sorry kid, you haven't got particularly the best future ahead of you, at least not until you turn out the way I want you to." David smirked walking out as he left Ellie alone after having locked her alone in the cage again where she lay down on the mattress and almost immediately broke down into an emotional wreck .

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