The sweet and the bitter- ch. 5

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Natsu's pov:
I help Lucy up and take her to our apartment complex. It was actually pretty far away and I still can't believe that jerk, Cobra! Who knows what all he would have done to Lucy. GAH! N-not like I care or anything.
We finally get there and I help Lucy into her apartment. When I get inside I was in wow. It looks so amazing and stupidly cute. Her apartment looks nothing like mine. The whole layout is different as hell! "Wow Lucy! Your place is huge!" She giggles at my excitement and I quickly snap out of it and cross my arms putting on a blank face again "not like I care though" she laughs at my actions even harder. I couldn't help but blush.
"Thanks Natsu, for helping me and all. Again though..." she paused for a second and frowns. She opens her mouth to speak again but I stop her "Don't Lucy. I understand that you feel like it's your fault, but it's not. I promise." I say with a reassuring smile. She weakly smiled back and bowed "ok... whatever you say Natsu... thank you." I take my leave and go to my apartment.
Once I'm in, I close the door behind me and look down. My bangs cover my eyes and a faint smile appears on my face... a gentle smile. What is she doing to me?

~Next morning ~
Lucy's pov:
I wake up and look around. "Huh? My head, why does it hurt so bad-oh wait?" A flashback of yesterday came into mind and I just shrug. I get up but instantly freeze. I hold my mouth and run threw my closet and to my bathroom.
I throw up... but... it's not just any throw up... it's all bloody. I start to freak out and I sit there for a good three or four minutes. I slowly get up and make my way out of my apartment and go to Natsu's. I weakly knock, but hopefully loud enough for him to hear it. Thankfully he answered. I tell him what had just happened and he nods in understanding. "Here let's get you back inside ok?" I nod and he puts one hand on my back and another on my hand trying to help me keep balance, but the next thing I know is that I see nothing but the darkness.

Natsu's pov:
I was in my bathroom when I heard a light knock on my door. I spit out the toothpaste and rinse my mouth out and rush to the door. Before I could even say hello or see who it was I hear a panicked voice and I look down to see Lucy. She told me of what just happened and I suggested that she should go back into her apartment and miss school today. All she did was nod. I was helping her get back to her apartment, but the next thing I know is her hitting the ground. I started to freak out. "OH NO! LUCY!" I yell and bend down and start to shake her "Lucy? Hey come on. Wake up! This isn't funny! Gajeel... GAJEEL!" I yell and run off to find him leaving Lucy there not thinking twice about it.

Gajeel's pov:
I was eating some toast and drinking some milk when I heard a banging on my door. I open it to see Natsu there and he looked panicked "What do you want?" I ask coldly "Your sister, Lucy, unconscious.. UGH HURRY!" He yells and runs off back to the third floor. I run after him and when I get up there I freeze up and the sight of my sister laying there and blood stains on the corners of her mouth "LUCY!" I run up to her and pick her up princess style. "COME ON DRAGNEEL! WE HAVE TO GET HER TO A HOSPITAL!" I yell and he nods.
We run down to my car and he opens the back seat. I set Lucy in there gently and jump in the drivers seat while Natsu stayed in the back with Lucy.
When I was driving I constantly looked in the review mirror and I see Natsu silently crying. Why the hell is he crying? I've never seen him cry before. I see Lucy's head in his lap and he was gently caressing her head "come on Lucy.. please live... you can't die like my parents did. You can't leave me as well. You were my first friend." Natsu said in a very soft and quiet voice but I still heard.
We get to the hospital and they take her in immediately. Natsu and I were told to stay in the waiting room. I was so worried... what if this is like what mom had? Oh God, I really hope she doesn't have that illness.. I don't want to lose her like mom and dad. (A/N: He's not talking about his real mom in this at all. He is talking about Layla his step mom and his real dad. Just Incase someone didn't understand.)
It's been a couple of hours and there still was no word. "Um... hey Gajeel?" I hear Natsu's voice and for some reason I don't hate him and don't feel like punching him "ya?" ".... I'm sorry" I look up and look at him in confusion "why are you sorry?" He looks away "Cobra... no.. I hurt Lucy's feelings and she ran off and Cobra found her and knocked her out. He brought her to this alleyway but nothing too bad happened before I got there... I don't think. When I found her, he was.. k-kissing her neck and... I was just so mad because it was my fault and.. and.. IM JUST REALLY SORRY!" He yells. He gets to the ground and bows. I was speechless, but I already knew what I was going to do.
I stand up and walk to him. I crouch down and rub his back "Hey now. There's no reason to be sorry. I understand why you hurt her feelings. Was she being too friendly, maybe even clingy?" He looks up and nods "ya I understand completely. She's just really fragile and can be really annoying sometimes. I even made her cry a couple of times for being too cheerful. She would always bounce back up though. So there is no reason to feel bad. I bet she'll be just fine. Also I'm gonna kick Cobra's ass for touching my sister.. wanna help" I say and he nods. I help him up and we wait for another hour.

Natsu's pov:
After Gajeel helped me understand that I shouldn't feel bad and Lucy should be ok I felt better. Then a doctor came up to us an hour later "which one of you are related to Lucy Redfox?" He asked and Gajeel raised his hand "ok well only you are allowed to see her right now." Gajeel looked at me "no he's going too and I don't care what you say. Got it?" Gajeel says to the doctor with a dark aura. The doctor violently nods and leads us to Lucy's room.
Once we get there we see Lucy hooked up to a big machine pumping her stomach "Hey, why are you pumping her stomach? You only do that if there is poison or drugs in their systems right?" I ask and the doctor nods. "Yes, we found various poisons and drugs in her system. She should be thankful to be alive because it looks like she tried to overdose" mine and Gajeel's eyes widen "WHAT!? ARE YOU TELLING ME SHE TRIED TO COMMIT SUICIDE!? THERES NO WAY IN HELL MY LITTLE SISTER WOULD DO ANYTHING LIKE THAT!" Gajeel yells.
I put my hand on Gajeel's shoulder and he looks at me "It's because she didn't do anything like that... she would never. So it had to be Cobra." Gajeel clenches his fist and punches a nearby wall. "DAMN THAT SCUMBAG! ILL KILL HIM!" "H-Hey! Your gonna have to pay for that!" The doctor says and Gajeel looks at him "THE HELL I AM! THIS DAMN HOSPITAL HAS MORE THEN ENOUGH MONEY! PAY FOR IT YOURSELF!" Gajeel yells and storms out. The doctor looks at me and nods "yes she's asleep... I'm very sorry this had to happen, but thankfully she will make a full recovery." I sigh out in relief and look towards Lucy. "When will she be released?" "In a couple of days"
For the past 4 hours me and Gajeel have been watching over Lucy to make sure she would be fine. A nurse comes into the room and taps our shoulders "visiting hours are over. I'm sorry but you have to go now. Gajeel and I nod and we get up. We were out the door when we heard a small voice say "Natsu?"

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