5th Chapter "Cops Part 1"

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CC and I walked out of the room hand in hand. When we came into the main room I just stood frozen in the doorway. So, CC sqeuuzed my hand to letting me know everything was ok.

"Are you, Miss.Rebekah Wetter," the officer asked.

"Yes I am. Is everything alright officer?"

"Can you come with us please?"

"Not until I know whats going on."

"Ma'am if you don't come with us easily we will have to arrest you."

I walked over to the cop and he escorted me over to the cruiser.


After the police took Bekah I didn't know what to do with myself. So, I walked back to my bunk and cried myself to sleep. Someone started shaking me to get up whle yelling, "Wake up CC," in my ear. So I threw my pillow at who ever it was, from the screech that I heard I'm guessing it was Ashley.

"I am so going to get you for that bro. "Right when I heard that I leaped out of the bed so he couldn't do anything. But, I was to late, next thing I know I'm on the floor getting tickled by him. After about 5 minutes Andy had to pull us apart because we started tickling each other.

Andy started talking, "Listen, this is no time for horse playing. We have to figure out to get Bekah back."

"Andy's right guys. So does anyone know where they would have taken her," asked Jake

"I do...," Rach said this like she was scared or something.

I had to ask, "Ok so where is she Rach?"

"She just told me they took her to her moms."

"What does her mom want with her?"

"How should I know CC! I'm just her best friend that is like a sister to her! I'm freaking out just like you are, ok."

"I'm sorry I went bizark on you Rach."

"It's fine, but I should warn you if you eever hurt my friend I will have to shoot you."

"Thats with me as long as I don't die. So, do you know why she would want her back?"

"No,I don't know but I'll ask her to see."

Rach's POV

R- hey sis wr r u?

B- my moms house i really dont want to deal w/ her rite now

R- i no u dont but me and the guys r wrried bout u

B- dat maks me a lil :)

R- i no it does u crzy wako

B- lol my mom just said wr going somewr but idk wr

R- dats gud try to get away frm her if u can ok

B- i will

R- kk ttyl sis

B- k ttyl 2 sis

I told the guys that her mom is taking her out somewhere but where we don't know.

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I'd like to give a special thnx to KatChaos for helping me "write" this chapter.

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