family dinner

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stella walked out of her room. ¨smells like meatballs.¨ she mumbled to herself. stella walked out into the living room, the guy playing video games was screaming about how the game bugged out and he shouldn't have died. stella couldn't help but laugh. ¨ what are you laughing about.¨ the guy sneered. ¨chill bro it's just a game.¨ stella told him. ¨ don't say that.¨ a pale guy with a smile sliced into his face told you. ¨he is pretty sure his whole life revolves around...¨ the guy was cut off by the tall man yelling ¨dinner.¨ the guy who was playing video games promptly flipped the other guy who was talking to stella off. everyone sat down and stella waited for an empty seat. she finally saw a seat right next to the two little girls that were playing together outside. ¨as you all can see we have a new member to the family. so I was thinking some introductions might be in order.¨ the tall man told the quite large group. the tall man started. ¨ I'm slenderman and I pretty much keep everyone in the household from murdering each other.¨ the next to go was a girl with long black hair and no eyes. ¨ hi im lulu!¨ she said with a kind of sweet kick to her voice. ¨ im jeff I kill people and yes I cut a smile into my mouth and yes I also cut out my eyelids don't ask why.¨ ẗhe video game kid was next ¨ im ben and if you fuck with my console I will actually kill you.¨ he said in a threatening voice. next was a guy in a blue mask with no eyes just black holes with dripping stuff it was obviously painted but still creepy. ¨ im eyeless jack but you can just call me jack and I cook.¨ he said blandly. next came the kid in the hood. ¨ yes my name is actually hoodie don't ask.¨ ¨ Im masky and im anti-social.¨ next came Toby. ¨ hi im toby and I think you're cute!" he blurted out. stella sat in shock. ¨ you blew it man.¨ hoodie told him. ¨ shut the fuck up masky.¨ hoodie told him. the little girl in the pink nightgown cut in. ¨ hi im sally!¨ she said cheerfully. ¨ and im lazari.¨ her friend cut in. ¨ hi im stella.¨ stella said to everyone else. jack went and grabbed a platter of spaghetti and meatballs and a tray of bread. the plates started at Sally and went clockwise meaning lazari was last. ¨ this is really good.¨ stella told jack. ¨ no problem.¨ he answered after dinner was done stella helped lulu with the dishes and then played hide and seek with sally and lazari.

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