After's Defense: Abuse?

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I'm not going to beat around the bush After does have abuse in it, even Anna mentions it in her book. Before I begin I really would like to start off this part by a quote from Molly night writer of Dark And Dangerous Love said this on Anna's message board:

Just because a book involves dark subjects doesn't mean it's fucking glorifies it, it just explores the reality of fucking life just leave her alone she's a fucking story teller if you can't read between the lines and the true message After sends them you haven't read the book so don't send her hate you guys are ganging up on her this is bullying you don't know her; her life her struggles and everything she went through/goes through just leave her alone just because somebody is fucking successful doesn't make it alright for you to send her horrible fucking Messages regardless if it's toward her or her family.

Molly really took the words out of my mouth, I really couldn't have said it better.:)

Now a lot of people are saying After is going to brainwash generations thinking that abusive relationships are okay and that they want a "Hessa" relationship.

First who in there right mind would want/ think that having an abusive relationship is okay?!? I think what people mean when they say they want a Hessa relationship they mean they want a relationship that overcomes anything like Hessa!

I would also like to point this out I feel After does have abusive but it's not the whole story. Personally I feel that After is centered around trust, After 2 is centered around learning to deal with your spouse, and After 3 is centered around change :)

Also when supporters of After says there are deeper meanings to After it's true, such as TRUST, CHANGE, LOVE, AND STANDING UP FOR ONES SELF!

Their is one more thing I like to point out and that is people can change from something small like a student who gets D's but wants to get A's to abusers people can change if they have self motivation and they want to.

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