Chapter 1

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Hayley's POV

This can't be how it all ends. I went through so much and this is how I go. The walker had me pinned to the tree with its mouth inches away from my throat. I tried to scream but it only came out as a whimper. I closed my eyes, accepting my fate and bracing myself for the pain that was about to come but it never came as I heard a gunshot and a body fall to the ground.

The weight of the walker fell off of me. I opened my eyes and saw the walker on the ground with a colt bullet lodged in its brain and an older man standing there looking me up and down creepily.

He snickered and started walking towards me, slowly as his pocket knife flipped open with a click.

I started freaking out in my mind as I never had very good experiences with men, even before shit hit the fan. My first instinct was to run but even though I was on my high school track team before I dropped out, he had much longer legs then me so he caught up quickly and tackled me to the ground. He pinned my arms above my head and sat on my stomach. I started squirming when he slapped me in the face and spat on me.

"SHUT UP!" He spat.

He brought his knife to just beneath my eye but in one swift motion brought it to my thigh and jammed the knife through my skin into it. I screamed out in pain when he covered my mouth.

He yanked the small pocket knife out and drew it down my thigh slowly and stopped at the middle of my calf. I continued screaming into his hand, as he pulled the knife out and wiped it on my face, cutting my cheek in the process. I bit my tongue so hard it started to bleed as I tasted the disgusting metal taste in my mouth.

"P-please j-j-just kill me."
I managed to stutter out in pain.

He laughed silently and said,
"I want to have some fun with you first and then you'll get your wish, bitch."
As he unbuckled his belt

I whimpered but mustered up enough strength to bite his hand hard enough for it to bleed.

He screamed and slapped me with his other hand. I lost too much blood to fight back so I just payed there as he tried to pull my pants off as I prayed for him to stop. He took his hand off of my mouth.

'Big mistake man' I thought.

"HELP!" I screamed hoping to god someone heard me.

He laughed.

"No one can hear you bitch." As he took off his pants after successfully undoing mine.

All of a sudden he got tackled off of me by a mysterious figure as my vision started to blur from the blood loss and I couldn't make out the face but I could hear what they said.

"You *punch* disgusting *punch* pig *punch* you *punch* deserve *punch* to *punch* rot *punch* in *punch* Hell *punch*." He finished as he spat on them. The person stabbed them in the head and walked over to me.

They knelt down and looked at my wounds. I could only see spots at this time as I looked up at the figure with pleading eyes"

"Help me...." I said as I was only half conscious.

The figure picked me up bridal style and started running in the direction I'm pretty sure he came from.

I started to tone everything out slowly and was just about knocked out when I heard an extremely faint,

"Stay with me, Hay!"

That's when my body couldn't handle it anymore and passed out. The brightness of day fades into the darkness of the night.


Me and my sister, Angel we're getting ready for a hunting trip with our friends, Daryl and Merle. We looked to be in our old house packing a backpack with what looks to be water, canned food and extra arrows, along with a few other essentials just in case. I walk over to the door and swing my black and grey crossbow over my shoulder as Angel picks up her collapsible bow and we each grab out matching quivers and head out the door. Our drunk excuse for a father was sitting on the porch and drinking a bottle of beer with about 6 other empty bottles around him.

"Where ya'll think you're goin'?"
He asked in a slurred tone.

"None of your business." I replied and we walked away as he was yelling at us to come back.

We were at the boys porch in minutes and we knocked on the door. I heard the breaking of glass inside and punches and apparently so did Angel because we both looked at each other nodded and ran in.

The sight was horrible. Merle was on the ground with a ripped shirt and a black eye almost unconscious and Daryl was standing against the wall with his father towering over him holding a broken beer bottle.

Angel ran over to Merle and helped him as he was trying to get to Daryl and struggled in her grip. I saw Daryl and screamed louder than I thought I could.

"NO!!" As I ran over and their father was about to stab a mostly unconscious Daryl and jumped in front of him as Will stabbed me in the shoulder and I landed on a bunch of broken glass. Will screamed at me and called Daryl a pussy for letting me take the fall. He continued to kick me as. I turned onto my side and stabbed him in the ankle with a piece of glass.

Angel ran over and helped me out of the house as Merle helped Daryl.

We called 911 when we got outside and Will was arrested and we were all brought to the hospital and I was released after about 2 and a half months and was fully healed.

*end of dream/flashback*

I woke up with a start and realized I was in an unfamiliar room with white walls and was in an actual bed with a bunch of IVs hooked up to me.

I can't remember anything as I tried to stand up and fell in pain. Someone must have heard the bang because after about a minute, two men can and put me back up on the bed.

"Where am I? And who are you?" I asked fearfully.

"At a farm where you're safe. I'm Rick Grimes."

"Hayley Rhee." I answered and for some reason. I feel like I can trust him.

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Ps My hands hurt

Word count: 1145

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