Chapter 6: Bullet Club vs. Murphy's Law

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One week later

Cole: our main event it will be a ten person tag team match between Bullet Club and Murphy's Law.

Graves: yeah, but Bullet Club is one person short. With the shocking addition of Carmella, Alex Auditore had to recruit somebody from the women's division. I wonder who it will be.

Cole: we'll find out next.


I was with Kenny and the Bucks in the locker room going over our strategy.

Kenny: Alex, who among the women's division did you recruit?

Alex: you'll find out soon.

(35 minutes later)

Murphy's Law was all in the ring getting ready. Gulak, Kendrick, Murphy, Blake and Carmella don't know who I picked to be our fifth member. Then our familiar theme played and the crowd cheered.

Announcer: their opponents, at a combined weight of 795 pounds the team of the Universal Champion Alex Auditore, Kenny Omega and Matt and Nick Jackson, the Young Bucks. Together they are Bullet Club!

We walked down the ramp and stopped close to the ring and I grabbed a mic.

Alex: you thought it was just the four of us? Well then let me introduce to you our fifth member.

I pointed to the stage and then Alexa's theme played. I turned to Murphy's team and I gave an evil grin.

Graves: oh my god! Bullet Club has recruited a goddess on their team. All is right in the world.

Announcer: and their partner, from Columbus, Ohio she is the Raw Women's Champion Alexa Bliss!

Cole: what a pick for Alex and Bullet Club. Murphy's Law is in deep trouble.

Graves: I'm sure Buddy Murphy wasn't ready for this.

(Fast forward towards the end of the match)

Cole: oh a superkick from Carmella to Alexa.



Thre- Alexa kicked out!

Alexa crawled to our corner and tagged me in as Carmella went to tag in Murphy. We traded punches like Frye and Takayama.

Graves: these two really hate each other.

I managed to dominate Murphy with the Orton moveset. As I went to pin him after a hanging DDT, his goons pounced.

Cole: Murphy's Law hits the ring and Bullet Club breaks it up!

Matt and Nick laid out Blake and Gulak with the Superkick Party, Kenny leveled Kendrick with a V-Trigger knee strike and Alexa took out Carmella with a vicious snap DDT leaving Murphy and I in the ring.

Graves: Murphy back on his feet and he has Auditore where he wants him.

As he set me up for his finisher he was met with a triple superkick from Kenny and the Bucks.

Graves: a triple superkick from Bullet Club!

Matt and Nick set up Murphy with the Meltzer Driver followed by Kenny landing the One-Winged Angel, and me hammering the final nail.

Cole: they are decimating Buddy Murphy! And Alex with the AKO!




Announcer: here are your winners, the Young Bucks, Kenny Omega, Alexa Bliss and Alex Auditore, Bullet Club!

Graves: Bullet Club victorious in this ten person tag team match, but the personal war between Auditore and Murphy is far from over.

We weren't through with Murphy yet. Alexa motioned me to let her stand on my shoulders as Kenny and the Bucks looked on.

Cole: what are Alex and Alexa thinking here?

Graves: they're adding insult to injury. Oh the Rising Bliss on Murphy!

Kenny and the Bucks gave us applause for our signature move.

I got a mic and addressed the crowd.

Alex: tonight we prove that Bullet Club is one of the dominant factions in the entire business. If you don't believe us just ask those five losers down there. If you don't know the five winners allow me to walk you through.

I took a breath as I was very exhausted from the match.

Alex: first, the greatest tag team in professional wrestling today. I recommend not going to their superkick party because you will feel pain. I introduce to you Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson; together they are the Young Bucks!

The crowd gave a loud cheer and applause as I continued. Then I pointed to Kenny

Alex: this man right here trained and inspired me to become a professional wrestler, and thanks to his mentorship I won the Universal Championship. Allow me to introduce to you the Cleaner Kenny Omega!

The crowd cheered loud as Kenny did his signature Bullet Club taunt.

Alex: and this lovely girl here...

Alexa blushed as the crowd cheered. Kenny and the Bucks gave us teasing grins.

Alex: ...she is the source of my happiness and strength, and by the way she loves Disney. Allow me to introduce to you my girlfriend, the Goddess, your Raw Women's Champion and the newest member of Bullet Club Alexa Bliss!

I passed the mic to Kenny.

Kenny: thank you Alex for all of those wonderful introductions, and allow me to finish it off. Everyone here in this arena it is an honor and privilege to perform here for WWE, but I will introduce to you the man that lead us to battle, the man who we consider our brother and the man who is lucky to have a girlfriend like her. I give to you, your Universal Champion, the Pinoy Prince Alex Auditore!

I raised my title up drawing cheers from the crowd. Then Alexa gave me a kiss on the cheek. Then Kenny continued.

Kenny: tonight we have defeated Murphy's Law and proved that the meaning of the law is right, what can go wrong will go wrong, but we are running out of time, so for now on behalf of myself, the Young Bucks, Alex Auditore and Alexa Bliss we bid you all adieu, so goodbye (kisses hand) and goodnight BANG!

As our theme played we came in and did the too sweet.

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