Part 1. Hot weekend

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Authors note- no one is dating anyone. Yet. Also trigger warning there is a mention of self harm of our beautiful Virgil. So please don't read if you are trigger by it.

It was currently July in Florida one of the hottest days of the year had come around and no one was enjoying it. The aircon was on full blast but everyone was still so hot.

Virgil was hidden away in his room. Scrolling through tumblr with his fan on 5 and air con blasting. Seems pretty normal for Virgil right? Wrong. He was still sprawled out on the floor in a tang top and shorts.

Roman was sitting in the lounge room having a Disney movie marathon because nothing will stop him from watching Disney. Laid out on the leather couch in only his shorts.

Logan was -for once- not reading or studying but laying on a beanbag in the corner of the room drinking ice cold water. And pointing out stupid things that would not happen in the movies Princey was watching. Logan was more appropriately dressed but was the hottest person in the room creating enough sweat to fill a 2 litre water bottle.

Patton was in the kitchen with four bowls and a huge tub of ice cream about to serve it out to everyone, taking at least 5 scoops out for each bowl. Being Patton he put tons of sprinkles on it to make it look pretty.

"Roman. Can you please give Virgil his ice cream and then take yours?" Patton asked politely but still in his usual happy tone. Roman grunted and fell of the leather couch, making a huge ripping noise from the leather. "Yes dad." Roman took his and Virgil's bowl and started walking up the stairs.

Roman knocked on Virgil's door. Hearing no response he knocked again harder. This time he heard shuffling. "Hold your horses!" Virgil complained from the inside. He unlocked his door to be met with Roman. Virgil instantly went quiet and blushed. Luck for him his makeup was hiding it. (Yes Virgil always wears makeup even in the heat)

Roman was so oblivious to Virgil's crush on him that it could hit him in the face with a frying pan and he still wouldn't notice. "Hey, Patton made us all ice cream." Roman said charmingly holding out a bowl for Virgil. He took the bowl from the slightly taller figure and gave a little smile. He turned around and walked over to his bed and sat down. He looked up to see Princey boi still standing at the door. He looked... almost uncomfortable?

"Look if you wanna come in, you can but can you close the door so the cold doesn't get out?" Vigil said nicely but with a sense of bitterness, barely hiding his gigantic crush for the eccentric prince. Roman stepped in closing the door behind him and sat on the end of Virgil's bed looking around at his dark purple room. Virgil took a bite of his ice cream, trying to hide his blush and slight excitement that his crush was in his room.

Meanwhile down stairs

Patton grabbed his and Logan's bowl and sat down on the couch on the side closer to Logan and handed him his bowl. Logan took it willingly and dug right in. Patton was just staring at how Logan's eyes sparkled. How his face was just...gorgeous. Logan turned towards Patton to thank him and caught Pat staring into his eyes. Logan, in that spilt second remembered how much, and why he had a crush on this gorgeous boy. After a second or two of looking in each other's eyes they both quickly snapped they heads away blushing, when they heard Roman and Virgil talking and walking down the stairs. Logan quickly got up to put his bowl on the counter and clean it up.

After cleaning up. Logan laid back on the bean bag, Roman laid on his back taking up half the couch, Virgil was quashed up in the corner of the couch and Patton sat it the single seat next to Virgil. All seemed nice and quiet until.... "UUUGHH It's tooooo hooot. How long is this torture going to laaasst?" The princely boy whined. Logan took out his phone and let out a loud groan. "It looks like it's going to last all week. Tomorrow's going to be 38 degrees Celsius!" (100.4 degrees Fahrenheit for all you Americans)

Everyone started complaining loudly until Patton had a great idea. "OH! Guys! There's this place near here. Its quiet and not many people go there. It's that pond by the river bank. It would be perfect for a swim and a picnic for the week! Me and Roman used to go there all the time as kids!" Patton was jumping up and down in excitement. Roman was on board instantly, excited to go to the place he spent most of his childhood. Logan was a bit harder to convince "I guess if this vicinity you speak of isn't to far and is legal. I guess it would be convenient to 'chill' as the adolescents say these days." Logan admitted.

Virgil was freaking out. He didn't want to show off his body, most of his scars had healed except one on the side of his thigh and it wasn't small. He hadn't hurt himself in a week and had been to a therapist called Dr. Picani and with his help he doesn't plan on self harming again. The others know about it but Virgil's still hesitant. Roman and Patton were begging at this point "ugh fiine. As long as I get to pick the snacks." Patton gave a huge smile and hugged Virgil. "You can come with me to the shops to get the stuff!" Patton stated excitedly and ran off to get his shoes and his keys.

Half an hour later and 3 seconds (because I can)

Virgil and Patton were walking down the candy aisle and surprisingly the shops were quite empty. "So Virgil..?" Patton was excited to ask Virgil something but didn't want to scare him. "Yeah Pat?" Virgil looked at Patton worrying at his change of tones. "I was wondering if.. you.. ok! just spill the tea!" Patton let his excitement out grabbing Virgil by the shoulders and shaking him. "What?" Virge looked up at the older male confused. "You. Like. Roman!" Patton yelled. Virgil went pail in fear. He thought he had hid his crush well. Seems not. Patton started to yell "Virgil likes Roman!!!" Like a 6 year old. Virgil didn't know what to do. So he decided to get some innocent payback.

"WELL PATTON IS IN LOVE WITH LOGAN!!!"  They carried on annoying each other loudly like 5 year olds until the manager of the shop came up to them and kicked them out. The boys got it to their car laughing. Then set out to a different store. They ended up not talking about their crushes, just excepting it and had a 'don't tell anyone' secret. Well it wasn't really a secret, it was more of an understood thing.


Roman is sitting on the couch and Logan is still on his bean bag. "Me and Virgil saw what was happening before we came down the stairs and you noticed we were there." Logan's head snapped towards Roman. Worry in Lo's eyes. He already new about Romans crush on Virgil. Roman was the best at keeping other peoples secrets but when it came to his, he was 'horrendous' as Logan would say. "Yes I do like Patton. But due to my calculations and studies I've found that it's highly unlikely that my feelings are reciprocated." Logan blushed but he was sad that there was a 85% chance of him getting let down.

Once Pat and Virge got home, the logical persona and the youngest one started packing away the groceries while Patton pulled Roman aside so the others couldn't hear them. Patton explained his feelings towards Logan. And Roman convinced Patton to say something to Logan tomorrow at the pond. Roman looked over at Virgil and started to stare. Patton noticed this. *Gasp* "Roman do you-?" Roman faced Patton and have him a small nod. Tomorrow was going to be an exciting day. Both Pat and Ro had a romantic plan for their crushes.

Note- this was part one. Hope you liked it. Give any suggestions for one shots. Check out Ctrim7 she is one of my closest friends and is an amazing story writer.
1431 words

Umm. Yeah. Byye

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